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The tunic of the SA command staff, mod. 1943
The tunic of the SA command staff, mod. 1943
37 $
The tunic of the general staff of the SA Air Force
The tunic of the general staff of the SA Air Force
94 $
Boots of the Red Army command staff
Boots of the Red Army command staff
94 $
The tunic of an anti-tank artillery sergeant of the 1940 model, 1941.
The tunic of an anti-tank artillery sergeant of the 1940 model, 1941.
2 063 $
The ceremonial uniform of the colonel of the medical service of the USSR Navy in 1945
The ceremonial uniform of the colonel of the medical service of the USSR Navy in 1945
3 125 $
Breeches of the commanding staff of the NKVD of the USSR in 1943
Breeches of the commanding staff of the NKVD of the USSR in 1943
313 $
The overcoat of an ordinary MGB of the USSR in 1926
The overcoat of an ordinary MGB of the USSR in 1926
313 $
Boots of the officers of the Soviet Army
Boots of the officers of the Soviet Army
47 $
The tunic of a lieutenant of the Red Army sapper units of the 1943 model
The tunic of a lieutenant of the Red Army sapper units of the 1943 model
488 $
Breeches of the ordinary militia personnel of the 1947 model
Breeches of the ordinary militia personnel of the 1947 model
63 $
Indoor French Lieutenant RCM 1928 arr.
Indoor French Lieutenant RCM 1928 arr.
2 813 $
The tunic of the Red Army Air Force commanders of the 1935 model
The tunic of the Red Army Air Force commanders of the 1935 model
563 $
Beshmet of the Terek Cossack units of the Red Army of the 1936 model
Beshmet of the Terek Cossack units of the Red Army of the 1936 model
863 $
Trousers (breeches) of soviet officer model 1941
Trousers (breeches) of soviet officer model 1941
181 $
The jacket of the regimental commissar of the NKVD border troops of the sample of 1935
The jacket of the regimental commissar of the NKVD border troops of the sample of 1935
3 625 $
Winter tunic of a major of the NKVD border troops of the 1937 model
Winter tunic of a major of the NKVD border troops of the 1937 model
2 375 $
Improved tunic of an infantry officer of the Red Army in 1943
Improved tunic of an infantry officer of the Red Army in 1943
350 $
Tunic of the lieutenant of the electrical service of the Red Army of the sample of 1943
Tunic of the lieutenant of the electrical service of the Red Army of the sample of 1943
438 $
Field tunic of a major of the ABTV or Red Army artillery of the 1943 model, lend-lease
Field tunic of a major of the ABTV or Red Army artillery of the 1943 model, lend-lease
374 $
Winter coat of the Red Army rifleman of the 1941 model
Winter coat of the Red Army rifleman of the 1941 model
1 063 $
Padded jacket (quilted jacket) of the Red Army of the sample of 1932
Padded jacket (quilted jacket) of the Red Army of the sample of 1932
813 $
Red army wadded bloomers model 1932
Red army wadded bloomers model 1932
Winter maskhalat of the Red Army, 1943
Winter maskhalat of the Red Army, 1943
499 $
The covercoat tunic of the junior military technician of the VOSO sample of 1936
The covercoat tunic of the junior military technician of the VOSO sample of 1936
2 188 $
"Zemlyanka" on internet-auctions
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