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Shoulder straps and buttonholes with overcoat of Soviet Marshal Grechko

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the USSR, 1970s Extremely rare lot, consisting of a shoulder strap and buttonholes, purchased directly at the family of Marshal Grechko. The insignia were with unstitched overcoats, which are also available in . The safety is excellent. Lifetime guarantee of authenticity.


curriculum vitae: Andrei Antonovich Grechko (4 [17] October 1903 — 26 April 1976) was a Soviet military leader, statesman and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, 1973), Hero of Czechoslovakia (1969). The Minister of defence of the USSR (1967-1976). Born: 4 (17 October 1903 in Sloboda Golodaevka (now the village of Kuibyshev, Kuybyshev district, Rostov region) in a peasant family. In the red Army — with 1919. He graduated from the cavalry school (1926), Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze (1936 Military Academy of the General staff (1941). Member of the Civil war, private. After graduating from the cavalry school was in command of a platoon, squadron. With October 1938 — chief of staff Special cavalry division BOVO, participated in the campaign Western Belarus in September 1939.

In the early days of the great Patriotic war, Lieutenant-Colonel Grechko served in the General staff. With July 1941 he commanded the 34th cavalry division, entered into the 1st half of August in the combat with the Nazi invaders to the South of Kiev and to January 1942 fought in the composition of the 26th army, 38th army, then the 6th army on left-Bank Ukraine. With January 1942 — commander of the 5th cavalry corps, took part in Barvinkove-Lozovsky offensive. With March 1942 — headed the operational group of forces, in which part of the southern front had acted in the Donbass.

From April 1942 — commander of the 12th army, defending the Voroshilovgrad direction, , September, commander of the 47th army, October " commanded the 18th army, who fought on the direction of Tuapse.

From January 1943 — commander of the 56th army, which in during fierce fighting broke through the heavily fortified enemy defenses and went approaches Russia and in February-April in the North Caucasus front, participated in the Krasnodar offensive. In September 1943 troops of the 56th army in collaboration with the 9th army and the 18th army in the Novorossiisk-Taman offensive operation freed the Taman Peninsula.

From October 1943 A. A. Grechko — Deputy commander of the Voronezh (20 October to the 1st Ukrainian) front.

From December 1943 — commander of the 1st guards army, which participated in the Zhitomir-Berdichev, Proskurov-Chernovtsy, Lvov-sandomir, West Carpathians, Moravia-Ostrava and Prague operations. Victory day met in Prague.

After the war to 1953 A. A. Grechko commanded the troops of the Kiev military district. With 1953 — chief of the Group of Soviet occupation forces in Germany (1954 — a Group of Soviet troops in Germany; at this position organizes the suppression of the June popular uprising In 1953 1955, he awarded the highest military rank «Marshal of the Soviet Union". With November 1957 — first Deputy Minister of defense, chief of Land forces of the USSR.

by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 1 February 1958 for the courage and heroism shown in against the Nazi invaders, Andrei Antonovich Grechko awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the order of Lenin and medals «gold Star". C 1960 — first Deputy Minister of defense — chief of the allied armed forces of the States parties to the Warsaw Treaty. C April 1967 to his death was the Minister of defense of the USSR.

Member of the Central Committee of the Communist party in 1961-1976, (candidate 1952), a Politburo member of the CPSU in 1973-1976; (the first Minister of defense, is included in the Politburo after a 16-year hiatus with the resignation Zhukov). By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 16 October 1973 for merits in construction the strengthening of the Armed Forces USSR, Marshal Grechko, Andrei Antonovich was awarded the second medal «gold Star". With in 1973 he was the chief editor of a 12-volume encyclopedic edition «the history of the Second world war, 1939-1945".

the Soviet defence Minister, Marshal Andrei Antonovich Grechko died 26 April 1976. Buried in Moscow in the red square, the urn with the ashes immured in the Kremlin wall.


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Andrei Antonovich Grechko (4 [17] October 1903 — 26 April 1976) — Soviet military leader, statesman and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1958, 1973), Hero of Czechoslovakia (1969). The Minister of defense of the USSR (1967-1976). Born on 4 (17) October 1903 in the suburb Golodaevka (now the village Kuybyshevo, Kuybyshevskiy district, Rostov region) in a peasant family. In the red Army since 1919. Graduated from cavalry school (1926), the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze (1936) and the Military Academy of the General staff (1941). Member of the Civil war, private. After graduating from the cavalry school, commanded a platoon, a squadron. October 1938 — the chief of staff of the Special cavalry division BOVO, participated in the campaign in Western Belarus in September 1939.

In the early days of the great Patriotic war, Lieutenant-Colonel Grechko served in the General staff. From July 1941 he commanded the 34th cavalry division, entered into the 1st half of August in battle with the Nazi invaders to the South of Kiev, and until January 1942, fought in the 26th army, 38th army, then the 6th army on the left-Bank Ukraine. January 1942 — the commander of the 5th cavalry corps participated in the Barvenkovo-Lozovaya offensive operation. From March 1942 he headed a task force of troops which composed the southern front was operating in the Donbas.

From April 1942 — commander of the 12th army, defending the Voroshilovgrad direction, since September — the commander of the 47th army, since October, he commanded the 18th army, fought at Tuapse.

From January 1943 the commander of the 56th army, which during fierce fighting, broke through strongly fortified enemy defences and reached the outskirts of Krasnodar, and in February-April in the North-Caucasian front and participated in the Krasnodar offensive. In September 1943 the troops of the 56th army in cooperation with the 9th army and the 18th army in the Novorossiysk-Taman offensive operation had liberated the Taman Peninsula.

From October 1943, Grechko was Deputy commander of the Voronezh (from October 20th — 1st Ukrainian) front.

From December 1943 commander of the 1st guards army participated in the Zhitomir-Berdichev, Proskurov-Chernovtsy, Lvov-Sandomierz, Western-Carpathian, Moravia-Ostrava and Prague operations. Victory day has met in Prague.

After the war until 1953 Grechko commanded the Kiev military district. Since 1953 — chief of the Group of Soviet occupation forces in Germany (1954 — Group of Soviet forces in Germany); in this post organizes the suppression of the June popular uprising in 1953. In 1955 he was awarded the highest military title of "Marshal of the Soviet Union". November 1957 — the first Deputy Minister of defense, chief of Land forces of the USSR.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 1 February 1958 for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the Nazi invaders, Andrei Antonovich Grechko was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the order of Lenin and medal "gold Star". C 1960 — first Deputy Minister of defense — chief of the Combined armed forces of the States parties to the Warsaw Treaty. From April 1967 until his death was the Minister of defense of the USSR.

A member of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the years 1961-1976 (PhD 1952), member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee in the years 1973-1976 (first Minister of defence, included in the Politburo after a 16-year hiatus since the resignation Zhukov). By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 16, 1973 for services to the Motherland in the construction and strengthening of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Marshal of Soviet Union Grechko Andrei Antonovich was awarded the second medal "gold Star". Since 1973 he was the chief editor of 12-volume encyclopedic edition of "the history of the Second world war 1939-1945".

The Minister of defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Andrey Antonovich Grechko died on April 26, 1976. He was buried in Moscow, on red square, the urn with his ashes immured in the Kremlin wall.

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