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Fieldgear, interiorRussian Empire

Fieldgear, interior

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Bronze coat of arms - decoration barracks L-GW Kexholm regiment
Bronze coat of arms - decoration barracks L-GW Kexholm regiment
313 $
31 $
Welcome ribbon "Long live the valiant army", 1917
Welcome ribbon "Long live the valiant army", 1917
1 188 $
A piggy bank with the image of the lower ranks of the L-Guard. Ulansky and Preobrazhensky regiments
A piggy bank with the image of the lower ranks of the L-Guard. Ulansky and Preobrazhensky regiments
313 $
The lid of a Russian army officer's purse
The lid of a Russian army officer's purse
374 $
Wooden box "Memory of the war of 1914-18"
Wooden box "Memory of the war of 1914-18"
188 $
A commendation sheet to the students of the XI-th St. Petersburg gymnasium V. and D. Shuvalov with the signature of S. Speransky
A commendation sheet to the students of the XI-th St. Petersburg gymnasium V. and D. Shuvalov with the signature of S. Speransky
313 $
The revolutionary banner of the 11th company of the 20th Siberian Rifle Regiment, 1917
The revolutionary banner of the 11th company of the 20th Siberian Rifle Regiment, 1917
3 125 $
Portrait of Nicholas II on silk
Portrait of Nicholas II on silk
31 $
Portrait of Nicholas II on silk
Portrait of Nicholas II on silk
94 $
Commemorative plaque addressed to Captain E.E. Ovander, 2nd rank of the Guards Semi-crew
Commemorative plaque addressed to Captain E.E. Ovander, 2nd rank of the Guards Semi-crew
249 $
The box of candy with the subjects on the war of 1812
The box of candy with the subjects on the war of 1812
81 $
Pre-revolutionary painting "Sailboat in the port"
Pre-revolutionary painting "Sailboat in the port"
563 $
Crystal jug by J.M. Rosen
Crystal jug by J.M. Rosen
1 874 $
Silver lid from the rifle of the RIA infantry officer of the sample of 1857
Silver lid from the rifle of the RIA infantry officer of the sample of 1857
499 $
LOZ (identification badge) of the RIA soldier of the 1917 model
LOZ (identification badge) of the RIA soldier of the 1917 model
31 $
LOZ (identification badge) of the RIA soldier of the 1917 model
LOZ (identification badge) of the RIA soldier of the 1917 model
31 $
A set of tin soldiers in the uniform of the Life Guards of the St. Petersburg Regiment in a case
A set of tin soldiers in the uniform of the Life Guards of the St. Petersburg Regiment in a case
999 $
A set of soldiers of the "Life Guards Cavalry Regiment"
A set of soldiers of the "Life Guards Cavalry Regiment"
1 063 $
Watercolors with samples of the Russian pre-revolutionary form
Watercolors with samples of the Russian pre-revolutionary form
725 $
Engraving "Crossing of the Emperor's Sovereign across the Danube on May 29, 1829"
Engraving "Crossing of the Emperor's Sovereign across the Danube on May 29, 1829"
188 $
The plate from the machine of the Bryansk plant (?)
The plate from the machine of the Bryansk plant (?)
23 $
Canvas breast bandolier (bandolier) RIA of the sample of 1915, 1917
Canvas breast bandolier (bandolier) RIA of the sample of 1915, 1917
186 $
Russian box "the Memory of war 1914-17 gg"
Russian box "the Memory of war 1914-17 gg"
124 $
"Zemlyanka" on internet-auctions
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