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American Legion Awards

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Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" No.3082
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" No.3082
31 $
The badge of the participant of the 39th meeting of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in 1960
The badge of the participant of the 39th meeting of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in 1960
19 $
The sign of the 15th congress of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Miami, 1934
The sign of the 15th congress of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Miami, 1934
25 $
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses", New York branch
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses", New York branch
44 $
The membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Illinois
The membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Illinois
19 $
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
31 $
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
25 $
Badge of the participant of the 21st meeting of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Boston, 1940
Badge of the participant of the 21st meeting of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses" in Boston, 1940
19 $
The badge of the National Congress of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses", 1928
The badge of the National Congress of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses", 1928
25 $
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
Membership badge of the "Society of 40 people and 8 horses"
19 $
Women's Medal of the Union of Veterans of the Spanish Wars
Women's Medal of the Union of Veterans of the Spanish Wars
38 $
The badge "Patriotic instructor" of the Union of Veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
The badge "Patriotic instructor" of the Union of Veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
44 $
The sign of the Union of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
The sign of the Union of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
31 $
Visitor's badge of the 32nd Congress of Veterans of the Spanish War of 1898, 1930
Visitor's badge of the 32nd Congress of Veterans of the Spanish War of 1898, 1930
38 $
The sign of the Union of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
The sign of the Union of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898
31 $
Badge of the participant of the 52nd Congress of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898 in Massachusetts
Badge of the participant of the 52nd Congress of veterans of the Spanish War of 1898 in Massachusetts
31 $
The badge of the National Organization of the Sons of the participants in the Spanish War of 1898
The badge of the National Organization of the Sons of the participants in the Spanish War of 1898
63 $
Badge of the Women's Auxiliary Corps of Veterans of the American Civil War
Badge of the Women's Auxiliary Corps of Veterans of the American Civil War
75 $
Badge of the participant of the 54th National Congress of the Women's Auxiliary Corps in 1920
Badge of the participant of the 54th National Congress of the Women's Auxiliary Corps in 1920
31 $
The sign of the congress of the Organization of Reservists of the United States Navy in Boston, 1934
The sign of the congress of the Organization of Reservists of the United States Navy in Boston, 1934
19 $
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, 1948
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, 1948
56 $
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Detroit, 1947
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Detroit, 1947
56 $
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Boston, 1952
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Boston, 1952
56 $
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Buffalo, 1954
Badge of the delegate of the National Assembly of Veterans of the Polish Legion, Buffalo, 1954
56 $

Американский легион (англ. American Legion) — организация американских ветеранов боевых действий, созданная после окончания Первой мировой войны военнослужащими американских экспедиционных сил 1917—18 годов. Была утверждена Конгрессом 16 сентября 1919 года. Занимает консервативные позиции по вопросам внутренней и внешней политики. Согласно уставу, цель организации — «поддерживать и защищать конституцию США, поддерживать закон и порядок, развивать у отдельных граждан чувство долга перед обществом, государством и народом, способствовать распространению „стопроцентного американизма“». Легионом руководит исполком и национальный командор, избираемые ежегодным съездом. «Департаменты» легиона располагаются в каждом штате страны и осуществляют руководство работой «постов» на уровне города или округа. В организации состоит около 3 миллионов человек. «Американский легион» оказывает помощь американским ветеранам войн и является крупнейшей организацией военнослужащих.

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