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School badges, medalsUSSR, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

School badges, medals

Sorting by:
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the pedagogical Institute
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the pedagogical Institute
16 $
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the pedagogical Institute
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the pedagogical Institute
16 $
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a law school
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a law school
25 $
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the agricultural institute
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of the agricultural institute
16 $
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a medical institute
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a medical institute
16 $
Badge (rhombus) of a VISM graduate
Badge (rhombus) of a VISM graduate
25 $
Badge (diamond) of a university graduate
Badge (diamond) of a university graduate
31 $
Badge (diamond) of a university graduate
Badge (diamond) of a university graduate
16 $
Sign (diamond) graduate of MAI, 1 type
Sign (diamond) graduate of MAI, 1 type
125 $
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a law school
Badge (diamond) of a graduate of a law school
10 $
The badge of the graduate of the M.I. Kalinin LPI
The badge of the graduate of the M.I. Kalinin LPI
25 $
Badge of a graduate of a secondary military school
Badge of a graduate of a secondary military school
25 $
A sign (rhombus) about the end of the VISM
A sign (rhombus) about the end of the VISM
10 $
Diamond about the end of the Military Academy of the USSR
Diamond about the end of the Military Academy of the USSR
75 $
Sign (rhombus) on the end vvmu
Sign (rhombus) on the end vvmu
115 $
The sign of the end of UMPAK 1ЛМИ, 1 type
The sign of the end of UMPAK 1ЛМИ, 1 type
Badge of a graduate of Bauman, 1 type
Badge of a graduate of Bauman, 1 type
128 $
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute
40 $
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute, 1 type
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute, 1 type
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute, 2 type
A badge of the end of the Mining Institute, 2 type
40 $
School silver medal of the Kazakh SSR
School silver medal of the Kazakh SSR
56 $
The sign of the end of the military school sample 1958
The sign of the end of the military school sample 1958
13 $
Badge (diamond-shaped) on the end of the economic University
Badge (diamond-shaped) on the end of the economic University
30 $
Case school gold medal of the RSFSR
Case school gold medal of the RSFSR
21 $
"Zemlyanka" on internet-auctions
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