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Color magazine "Frontline illustration" No. 14, 1944. Soviet patriot Ferapont Golovaty.

86 $
1944 year.
The original.
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86 $
Dating:1944 year.
The original.

The original magazine is in good collector's condition, the pages are creased. The volume is 16 pages. The military department of the NGO of the USSR. Guarantee of authenticity.


Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty (May 24 [June 5] 1890, Serbinovka, Poltava province — July 25, 1951, Stepnoye village, Novo-Pokrovsky district, Saratov region) was a Soviet peasant collective farmer, one of the initiators of the nationwide patriotic movement to raise funds for the Red Army fund during the Great Patriotic War. He made savings for the construction of two fighter planes. Hero of Socialist Labor (1948). Member of the CPSU(b) since 1944.

Ferapont Golovaty was born in the village of Serbinovka. As a teenager, together with his brother Vasily, he worked in Kiev, first as a blacksmith, then on the railway.

Since 1910, he served in the tsarist army, in the Life Guards of His Majesty's cuirassier regiment, which guarded the royal family. In August 1914, he participated in the First World War as part of a machine gun team, was awarded the St. George Crosses of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, he was a member of the regimental committee. He participated in the Civil War, was a squadron commander in the 1st Cavalry Army.

In the spring of 1921, Golovaty returned to peaceful life, worked as a beekeeper at the Stepnaya farm in the Novo-Pokrovsky district. In 1930 he joined the collective farm, was elected chairman of the village Council, by the second half of the 30s there were two cows and 22 beehives on the farm. In 1937, he was almost exiled to Siberia: according to one version, as a soldier of the regiment guarding the emperor, who had an award watch from the emperor, etc., but the problem was solved after an audience with Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin[1], according to another, Golovaty's hut (located on the outskirts of the village) prevented the cultivation of adjacent farmland, He was offered to move out of his old house, but was not given a new house in return. Golovaty refused to move, was arrested, spent 10 months in solitary confinement, after which he returned safely to the village.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, two of Golovaty's sons (the eldest — Stepan and the youngest — Nikolai) and three sons—in-law went to the front, 9 grandchildren remained in the house (the eldest was nine years old, the youngest was two years old).

In December 1942, Golovaty took cans of honey 200 kilometers from the Stepnaya farm to the Saratov city market, where a separate tent was built for him. In a few days Ferapont Petrovich collected a bag of money (honey was very expensive — 1 kg cost 500-900 rubles, and that year Ferapont Golovaty collected 200 kg of honey), after which he came to the director of the Saratov aircraft factory, Israel Solomonovich Levin, with a request to sell him a fighter, estimated by him at 100 thousand rubles. Levin called the Military Council of the Red Army Air Force in Moscow, where he received permission to sell: "The Air Force Military Council cordially thanks F. P. Golovaty for his patriotic initiative. We ask you to deposit the money to the state bank, to the defense fund. To hand over a copy of the receipt to the military representative of the plant, select one of the Yak-1 aircraft flown over, writing on the fuselage what the collective farmer asks."

"Everything that I earned with my honest work on the collective farm," he wrote in a telegram addressed to Stalin, "I give it to the Red Army fund... Let my war machine smash the German invaders, let it bring death to those who mock our brothers, innocent Soviet people. Hundreds of squadrons of combat aircraft, built with the personal savings of collective farmers, will help our Red Army to quickly clear our sacred land from the German invaders."

In January 1943, a Yak-1 aircraft with a gift inscription on board "To the pilot of the Stalingrad Front, Guard Major Eremin from the collective farmer of the collective farm "Stakhanovets" Comrade. Golovaty" was handed over to Saratov Major B. N. Eremin (later Lieutenant General of Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union). The aircraft passed the combat path from Stalingrad to the Crimea, was never shot down, however, after the liberation of Sevastopol, in March 1944, the commission examined the technical condition of the fighter and recognized it unfit for flight as having exhausted its resource. The plane was written off, but not disposed of, but loaded onto a platform and sent to Saratov — first it was put on display on the square for public viewing, and then sent to the regional museum of Local lore.

At the family council, it was decided to buy another fighter, the same amount — 100 thousand rubles — was collected by the whole family, neighbors and relatives. In May 1944, the new Yak-3 fighter was handed over again to Major Boris Eremin, who flew from the front to Saratov. There was an inscription on the fuselage: "From Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty, the 2nd plane for the final defeat of the enemy." The Yak-3, like the previous aircraft, was never injured in air battles, Eremin fought on it until Victory Day, which he met in Prague on May 9.

In 1944, he joined the CPSU.

Since 1946 — chairman of the collective farm "Stakhanovets" (Saratov region), which after the death of F. P. Golovaty began to bear his name. Deputy of the USSR Armed Forces of the 2-3 convocations (since 1946).

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 26, 1948, "in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 29, 1947, for obtaining high yields of wheat when the collective farm performed mandatory supplies and nature accounts for the work of MTS in 1947 and providing grain seeds for sowing in 1948," Golovat Ferapont Petrovich was awarded the title Hero of the Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle".

F. P. Golovaty died on July 25, 1951 in the village of Stepnoye, Novo-Pokrovsky district (now Kalininsky district) Saratov region. He was buried there.

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