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Tableware, porcelainUSSR, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

The bowl from the canteen management, the CEC of the USSR

124 $
the end of the 1920s
The original.
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124 $
Dating: the end of the 1920s
The original.

Very rare salad bowl from the dining room of the economic management of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Size 20.5*20.5 cm. Porcelain, decal. Good collectors condition, scuffs and scratches on the inside. Original guaranteed. Quite rare.


06 July 1926, on the basis of the Decision of the Secretariat of the CEC of the USSR was established Management of the CEC of the USSR. On the host, the CEC of the USSR was assigned the superintendence of the rest houses throughout the country and houses the residential sector, the CEC of the USSR in Moscow, service of the CEC of the USSR, all-Union and all-Russian congresses of Soviets, of party congresses, conferences, plenums of the Komsomol. February 1, 1928 to host the CEC of the USSR was renamed the Economic Department of the CEC of the USSR, which entrusted the same functions as its predecessor. From September 1932, the Economic Department of the CEC of the USSR was again cited as the management of the CEC of the USSR. Had taken Position on Economic Management, its structure and States. Function Gosupravlenie CEC was significantly expanded. It was assigned the task of planning and operational and economic-technical administration of all activities of holiday homes, farms administered by the CEC of the USSR, house of Councils; drawing up future annual production-financial plans, balance sheets, projects of new construction and repair, agricultural campaigns, the disposal of all credits, opening and closing accounts, financing vacation homes and houses of the Soviets, as well as management of supplies, including food rations, the distribution of holiday homes and apartments in the houses of the CEC of the USSR, organization of activities for the improvement of living and cultural services to the employees of the CEC of the USSR and institutions of its system.

It should be noted that the first government of a country residence converted from the former manor houses and spas, owned and controlled by the Division in the country estates of the Central Executive Committee, which is part of the Control of the Kremlin and houses the Central Executive Committee of USSR. In the future, with 6.07.1926 year, the holiday Home of the CEC of the USSR, intended for sanatorium-resort treatment of the country's leadership, were not only repaired and reconstructed from the former manors and estates, but also to build, based on thorough architectural projects. The first houses, dedicated to the reconstruction and placement of senior party functionaries, became house guests of the CEC of the so-called Sochi group is a "Sasinovka", "Luzanovka", "Blinovo". In Sochi until 1938, was built on an individual project and many other holiday homes, the CEC, for example, "Sochi", "Maly Akhun", "Bocharov Ruchey". In the early 30-ies of the Abkhazian ASSR was built new holiday homes, the CEC of the USSR draft of which was approved by the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) Stalin. So, for example, can be called rest homes CEC "Musser" and "Cold river". All of the above holiday Homes, the CEC of Sochi and the Crimean group was guarded by the staff Operad OGPU – NKVD. Further, at some locations, the CEC was created commandant's office, which was carrying staff of gosbezopasnosti. Special and most important place in the functioning of the rest houses of the CEC County government residences, was given to the instrumentation HF, which was in charge of Operad OGPU-NKVD. Typically, households CEC and Operad OGPU-NKVD in this matter closely associated, as many solved their issues require a comprehensive approach. In General, households CEC to 28 January 1938 had fulfilled our task of providing sanatorium-resort treatment and housing of the heads of the CPC, the CEC of the USSR that were included into the inner circle of I. V. Stalin were members and candidate members of the Politburo of the CPSU(b).

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