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Tableware, porcelainUSSR, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

Plate with a portrait of Prince S. Volkonsky, agitfarfor 1920

The original.
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Country:The RSFSR
The original.

An extremely rare dish from the famous series "the Decembrists" by the famous Russian and Soviet artist L. N. Haus. State porcelain factory. Porcelain, painted in colours, moulded and painted in gold. Brand and painted the Central part underglaze, border of Laurel leaves, overglaze. Diameter 235 mm. the miniature by J. Isabey (1814 g). Interestingly, compared to the catalog (more simple) version of the dish (E. Samecka. Soviet propaganda porcelain. M., 2004. Str. 118.) presented in our catalogue plate has some differences – slight differences in the inscriptions ( "complete word "died" instead of "Mind." Samecki, "smitten." is slain / deposits", etc.), font, different direction of inclination of the Laurel wreath and the presence of the gold coating name of the Prince and elements of his clothing. According to several experts on porcelain, these differences say anything about the test series of plates (in the future, its apparently easier) or "improved" version designed for gifts. The plate is in good collectible condition, and part of the Laurel leaf is fragmentary loss, the figure and inscription have multiple scratches from Cutlery. The guarantee of authenticity.


Imperial porcelain factory — one of the oldest in Europe, the first and one of the largest Russian enterprises producing artistic porcelain. Located in St. Petersburg, founded in 1744. Initially it was called "Nevsky porcelain manufactory", 1765 — Imperial porcelain factory, from 1917 — the State porcelain factory (the state porcelain factory put out is the abbreviation stigma), in 1925, the factory in connection with the 200th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences was named M. V. Lomonosov; the company received the official name — the Leningrad porcelain factory named after M. V. Lomonosov, along with which had the use of the short form — the Lomonosov porcelain factory (LFZ acronym stigma was perceived and as the Leningrad porcelain factory) until 2005.


Lyubov Nikolaevna of GAUS (maiden name Milioti; 1873, St. Petersburg — 1943) — painter, wife of A. F. Gauche. With 12 years she studied painting with the artist A. I. Korzukhin, then I. tvorozhnikova taught while at the Academy of fine arts. He graduated from the school of Drawing society for the encouragement of arts in St. Petersburg. Studied for a while in Paris: first at the académie Julian, then at artists Castellano and V. E. Savinsky. Participated in exhibitions from 1909 ("World of art", "Salon", the Association of South Russian artists and the Association of K. Kostandi, a member of which was). Until 1924 she lived and worked in Petrograd, in 1924, on the recommendation of doctors (because of her rheumatism), together with her husband moved to the South. From 1924 to 1928 in Sevastopol, then in Odessa, 1939 and again in the Crimea (Simferopol, Yalta). For three years (1919-1922) worked at the State porcelain factory. He started as an artist-copyist in the branch of painting Studio at the former school of Baron A. L. Stieglitz, where she performed copies of two drawings by the artist V. Lebedev. He later created a number of original drawings. Her well-known series of plates with portraits of the Decembrists, made on the basis of materials from the Museum of the Revolution and the private collection of P. A. Shchegolev. He painted portraits, landscapes, still lifes, worked in the field of easel, decorative arts, miniatures. The work is signed with the initials "L. G.". Most famous works: plate with portrait of E. Laval (wife of Decembrist S. Trubetskoy), the Decembrists S. G. Volkonsky, G. S. Batenkov, N. M. Muravyov-Apostol, M. S. Lunin, K. F. Ryleev, round dish with a gold logo plate with the words "We will turn the whole world into a blossoming garden" and "Red star. Of the RSFSR". Portrait of the artist brush of her cousin N. D. Milioti kept in the Tretyakov gallery.

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