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Shoulder straps and a lot of photos air Marshal FA Falaleev

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the USSR, the 1940s Extremely rare lot of things that belonged to the Soviet Marshal Fedor Yakovlevich Falaleeva consisting of a single shoulder strap arr. 1943 and four photos, one of which Marshal depicted in full uniform, with orders. Cloth lining of a shoulder strap and edging lost. Guaranteed original.


Biographical note: Fedor Yakovlevich Falaleev (19 [31] may 1899, the village polyanske Bolshaya Ucha's parish Vyatka province, currently comprising Mozhginskoye district of the Udmurtian Republic - August 12, 1955, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, Marshal.

Born in a large (18 children, 12 of which died in infancy or in childhood and the family of a peasant. Because of the poverty of families have only graduated from elementary (4 class) and the two-class (5-6 classes) schools. Worked in the parental household, with 14 years "boy" and seller in the merchants ' stalls. Since 1917 he worked as an engraver clips and a clerk at the Izhevsk arms factory. In the period of Izhevsk and Votkinsk uprising in 1918 took the side of the Bolsheviks, came into Mozhginskoye volost revolutionary Committee and created by the revolutionary Committee of the armed group. Also in 1918 he joined the RCP (b.
Civil war

In the red Army in 1919, the volunteer. During the civil war he fought on the Eastern front of the red army against the armies Century A. Kolchak, in 1920, was transferred to the South-Western front and fought against the army of General b.p. Wrangel and numerous bands on the southern Ukraine. On these fronts was a red army soldier, political Commissar of the rifle company, Secretary of the political section of the regiment, the inspector corps 13-th army, assistant commander of the cavalry by a political group.
The interwar period

Since September 1922 - the assistant Commissioner of the 4-th Kiev artillery school, from July 1924 - the military Commissioner of the 14th Poltava infantry school. From October 1924 - the military Commissioner 238 rifle regiment of the 80th infantry division. In 1928 graduated from the Higher tactical shooting school of the red army commanders Comintern "Shot»appointed by the commander of the rifle battalion in Krasnolymanska rifle regiment. From November 1929 - commander and military Commissar of the 24th infantry regiment. In 1931 he graduated from the training of commanders edinomishlennikov in the Military-Political Academy of the red army n.a. G. Tolmachev in Leningrad.

From August 1932 - in the Air Force. Sent to study in the First military pilot school name Myasnikova, and after graduating in 1933, immediately continued his studies at the operative Department of the air force Academy of the red army them. Professor Zhukovsky, graduating in 1934. From January 1935 - the commander and military Commissar of the 4th zalneraviciute aviation squadron, August 1936, commander of the 116th mixed aviation brigade. In August 1939 he was appointed Deputy commander of the air force of the 3rd army and at the same time the Vitebsk army group, these positions took part in the Polish campaign of the red army in September 1939 on the territory of Western Belarus.

Since June 1940 - Deputy commander of the air force's First separate red banner army of the far East. From January 1941 - General aviation inspector of the red army. From April 1941 - the first Deputy head of the Main Department of the air force of the red Army. Major General aviation (4.06.1940).
The great Patriotic war

Soon after the beginning of the great Patriotic war he was appointed commander of the air force of the 6th army in the South-Western front. Then in 1942, was the commander of the air forces of the South-Western front and the South-West.

In October 1942 recalled to Moscow and appointed chief of staff - Deputy commander of Air forces of the red army. In may 1943 he was Deputy commander of the Air forces of the red army. From April 1945 - again the chief of staff - Deputy commander of Air forces of the red army. In these positions considerable part of time is spent in the army, coordinating the actions involved in major operations of several air army. In this capacity he participated in the Donbas operation (1943), in the liberation of southern Ukraine, in the Crimean offensive of 1944, in Belarusian, Baltic, East Prussian operation. During the war three times increased in military rank: Lieutenant General aviation (27.03.1942), Colonel-General of aviation (17.03.1943), Marshal of aviation - 19 August 1944.

In 1942-1943 was the chief representative of the USSR in the negotiations on the establishment and combat activities of the future famous fighter regiment "Normandy-Neman», in 1945 participated in the work of the Potsdam conference and the meeting of the military delegations of the allied powers in Norway, England, France, USA.
The post-war period

Since 1946 - the chief of the Military air Academy in Monino. From may 1950 - retired due to illness (during the war had two heart attacks, then suffered from severe heart disease). He was buried at Novodevichye cemetery.

the Order of Lenin (1945)
Three orders of the red banner of (1942, 1944, 1949)
Two orders of Suvorov 1-St degree (1944, 1945)
the Order of Kutuzov of the 1st degree (1944)
the Order of Suvorov of the 2-d degree (1944)
the Order of the red Star (1941)
the order of the "Badge of Honor» (1936)
Medal «XX years of workers ' and Peasants ' red Army  (22.02.1938)
Medal "For the defense of Stalingrad» (22.12.1942)
Medal "For the victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945» (9.05.1945)
Commander degree Order of the Legion of Honor (France (1944)
the Order of Poland


Good condition.


Biographical note: Falaleev, Fedor Yakovlevich (by 19 [31] may, 1899, the village palanskoe Bolsheoktinskoe volost, Vyatka province, now part Mozhginskoye district of the Udmurt Republic — 12 August 1955, Moscow) — Soviet military commander, Marshal of aviation.
Was born in a large (18 children, 12 of whom died in infancy or in childhood) a peasant family. Due to family poverty he graduated from only primary (4 class) and two year (grades 5-6) schools. Parent worked in agriculture, with 14 years old boy and the merchant in the merchant shops. From 1917 he worked as a Carver clips and a clerk at the Izhevsk arms factory. In the period of the Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising in 1918 sided with the Bolsheviks, came into Mozhginskoye volost revolutionary Committee and the revolutionary Committee created by this armed group. Also in 1918 he joined the RKP (b).
Civil war
In the red Army since 1919, the volunteer. During the civil war he fought on the Eastern front against the red army of armies of A. V. Kolchaka, in 1920, was transferred to the South-Western front and fought against the army of General P. N. Wrangel and numerous bands in southern Ukraine. On these fronts was a soldier, political Commissar of the rifle company, Secretary-General of the political Department of the regiment, inspector of the infantry of the 13th army, assistant commander of the cavalry group on political Affairs.
The interwar period
From September 1922 — assistant Commissioner of the 4th Kiev artillery school, from July 1924 — the military Commissioner of the 14th infantry school of Poltava. From October 1924 — the military Commissioner of the 238-th rifle regiment of the 80th infantry division. In 1928 he graduated from the Higher tactical infantry school for command personnel of RKKA Comintern "Shot", was appointed commander of the rifle battalion in Krasnosulinskom rifle regiment. November 1929 — the commander and the Commissar of the 24th infantry regiment. In 1931 he graduated from the courses of the commanders of edinomyshlennikov in the Military-Political Academy of the red army. G. Tolmacheva in Leningrad.
From August 1932 — in the Air Force. Sent to study in the First military school of pilots named after Myasnikov, after which in 1933 he immediately continued his education at the operational Department of the air force Academy of the red army. Professor Zhukovsky, from which he graduated in 1934. January 1935 — the commander and the Commissar of the 4th zalneraviciute aviation squadron, from August 1936 — commander 116 th mixed aviation brigade. In August 1939 he was appointed Deputy commander of the air force for 3rd army and at the same time the Vitebsk army group in these positions he participated in the Polish campaign the red army in September 1939 on the territory of Western Belarus.
From June 1940 — Deputy commander of the air force's First separate red banner army in the far East. January 1941 — the inspector General of aviation of the red army. April 1941 — first Deputy chief of head Department air force of red Army. Major General aviation (4.06.1940).
The great Patriotic war
Shortly after the beginning of the great Patriotic war he was appointed commander of the air force 6th army in the South-Western front. Then in 1942 he was the commander of air force southwest front and South-West direction.
In October 1942, recalled to Moscow and appointed chief of staff — Deputy commander of Air forces RKKA. In may 1943 he became Deputy commander of Air forces RKKA. From April 1945 he was again chief of staff — Deputy commander of Air forces RKKA. In these positions a significant portion of time spent in the army, coordinating the actions of participating in most major operations of the several air armies. As such he participated in the Donbas operation (1943), the liberation of the South of Ukraine, in the Crimean operation in 1944, the Belarusian, Baltic, East Prussia operations. During the war three times promoted in military rank: Lieutenant General of aviation (27.03.1942), Colonel General of aviation (17.03.1943), Marshal of aviation on August 19, 1944.
In 1942-1943 he was the chief representative from the Soviet Union in the negotiations on the establishment and fighting for the future of the famous fighter aviation regiment "Normandy-Neman" in 1945 participated in the Potsdam conference and the meeting of military delegations of the allied powers in Norway, England, France, USA.
The post-war period
Since 1946 the head of the Military air Academy in Monino. From may 1950 — retired due to illness (during the war suffered from two heart attacks, then suffered a severe heart condition). He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The Order Of Lenin (1945)
Three orders of the red banner (1942, 1944, 1949)
Two orders of Suvorov 1-St degree (1944, 1945)
The order of Kutuzov 1-St degree (1944)
The order of Suvorov 2 nd degree (1944)
The Order Of The Red Star (1941)
The Order "Badge Of Honor" (1936)
Medal "XX years of workers' and Peasants 'red Army" (22.02.1938)
Medal "For defense of Stalingrad" (22.12.1942)
Medal "For victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945" (9.05.1945)
The commander degree of the Legion of honour (France, the (1944)
Order Of Poland

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