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Awards, signs

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Silver mark ONE (the company "Down with illiteracy" 1917 – 1927 gg)
Silver mark ONE (the company "Down with illiteracy" 1917 – 1927 gg)
365 $
A selection of 20 signs "Honored ... " of the Udmurt SSR
A selection of 20 signs "Honored ... " of the Udmurt SSR
688 $
Badge of the Red Army aviation technicians of the 1938 model
Badge of the Red Army aviation technicians of the 1938 model
475 $
Lot of different medals table
Lot of different medals table
29 $
Icon "Fund of a name of Ilyich"
Icon "Fund of a name of Ilyich"
56 $
Georgian order of Queen Tamara
Georgian order of Queen Tamara
824 $
Sign "Brigade"
Sign "Brigade"
186 $
The sign of the "Guard model 1942
The sign of the "Guard model 1942
19 $
Badge "air defense Forces of the country»
Badge "air defense Forces of the country»
35 $
Badge "Instructor-pilot of the Air Force KA" of the 1943 model
Badge "Instructor-pilot of the Air Force KA" of the 1943 model
2 363 $
The sign "The sign of 150 years Kirovsky Zavod 1801-1951"
The sign "The sign of 150 years Kirovsky Zavod 1801-1951"
25 $
The sign "90 years of Riga shipyard"
The sign "90 years of Riga shipyard"
31 $
Moscow Department Store employee's badge
Moscow Department Store employee's badge
The sign "Krivoy Rog electric plant"
The sign "Krivoy Rog electric plant"
23 $
The "Guard" badge of the 1942 model, military type
The "Guard" badge of the 1942 model, military type
56 $
Icon employee of the magazine "Crocodile"
Icon employee of the magazine "Crocodile"
81 $
Medal "40 years of the formation of and entry into the fighting of the 40th combined arms army"
Medal "40 years of the formation of and entry into the fighting of the 40th combined arms army"
21 $
Lot of signs of a resident of Kostroma-a drummer of several five-year plans
Lot of signs of a resident of Kostroma-a drummer of several five-year plans
50 $
Badge "Parachutist", type 2
Badge "Parachutist", type 2
69 $
The sign "25 years of victory in the 1941-45 war"
The sign "25 years of victory in the 1941-45 war"
Sign of mourning on the death of V. I. Lenin
Sign of mourning on the death of V. I. Lenin
394 $
Patriotic badge with the profile of I.V. Stalin
Patriotic badge with the profile of I.V. Stalin
119 $
The sign "15 years of Kazakhstan" on the original outlet
The sign "15 years of Kazakhstan" on the original outlet
624 $
Rare badge of the members of the Society of Aviation and Aeronautics of Ukraine and Crimea (OAVUK)
Rare badge of the members of the Society of Aviation and Aeronautics of Ukraine and Crimea (OAVUK)
475 $
"Zemlyanka" on internet-auctions
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