3 500 $
| |
Marking: | 70968 |
Country: | Russian Empire |
Dating: | One thousand eight hundred thirty eight |
The original. |
Original flintlock sample of 1828, converted in 1844 to percussion cap in accordance with the transition to a new weapons system. Neither possible that this alteration took place before, but the locks are often broken, which led to frequent changes in the course of military service objects. The gun is in very good condition, also included is rare enough steel bayonet. The barrel steel, round. The barrel without rifling. Sights consist of an oval longitudinal shape of the front and rear sights. The percussion cap lock, converted from flintlock. On the key-Board stamp contains the abbreviation "IIY." (Izhevsk arms factory) and the date of manufacture of the product – 1837. The trigger is smooth, strengthened with one screw. The trigger is steel, C-shaped, smooth. Trigger guard is brass, round shape. Bed wooden handguard almost the entire length of the barrel. On the left side of the Lodge opposite the locking Board installed steel bracket. The barrel is fortified in bed with two aboitiz and screw on the tide in the breech (third, front oboimina missing). On the brass parts of the gun broken multiple acceptance mark. Tylnik the stock brass, smooth, l-shaped. On the tylnik punched the image of the Russian two-headed eagle. The guarantee of authenticity. Visual inspection of gun evidence of the authenticity of all its parts, and good sound, despite the surface corrosion on the metal, scratches and small scuffs on the stock.
In 1825, the Russian on the throne by Emperor Nicholas I. Almost immediately he became engaged in issues related to rearmament. The last improvement of infantry rifles was held in 1808. All work in this area was suspended by the war with Napoleonic France. It is often said that Russia is a hostage to its past victories. Resting on laurels, our rulers do not pay enough attention to the improvement of arms, but rather indulge in admiring the tactics it often happens that half a century ago. A completely different picture is the reign of Emperor Nicholas I. Nikolay Pavlovich new modifications of rifles began to appear one after another. The mere enumeration of years, when it was modernized weapons, – 1826, 1828, 1839, 1844, 1845, 1852, 1854 years – speaks volumes about how much attention the Emperor paid to this issue. However, work was very difficult due to the continual lack of money. This circumstance has made some modernization is almost nominal. In Russia, work on the alteration of flintlock shotguns in shock-capsule began in 1839, however, the official order was published only in 1844. After testing a considerable number of samples of strike weapons, the Committee settled on a French percussion rifle mod., 1842; in 1844, his sample started reworking infantry in cap and ball flintlock guns mod. 1839. The resulting shock, the castle was passed on other samples of small arms.
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