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Firing tokens RIARussian Empire
Russian Empire

The discharge token lower ranks 124th infantry regiment Voronezh

Russian Empire
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
The original.

the Russian Empire, 1910s Original counter - nevidimka in very good condition. The yellow metal. Rare.


Original badge – nevidane in very good condition.


The first document that really confirms the appearance of special characters for the lower ranks of the Russian army, became the project of the Charter of internal service, as approved by Nikolai II in September 1902. By order of the war Department in the same month the draft was sent for testing to the troops, this was abolished previously existing statutes of internal service in the infantry and cavalry. All troops were instructed in daily life to be guided by the provisions of the draft to the approval of the new bylaws. First of all, it should be noted that for all the lower ranks in this period was introduced personal numbers allocated to each company (squadron and battery) by themselves, and assigned the lower rank for the duration of his service in these parts. If the transfer of the lower ranks from one company to another, the room in the previous place of service were exempted, and there, where he was transferred, was assigned one of the available rooms. When the secondment remained in the company number where the lower the rank listed. The advent of personal rooms allowed to regulate the order of dismissal of the lower ranks. This was introduced a special "leave marks".
"Discharge" sign was a metal plate of arbitrary shape. The dimensions for the sign were 1 to 1.5 inches (from 4.4 to 6.6 cm). The sign was marked (stamped) letters and numbers: company number (squadron) or team name, number and name part and serial number of the lower rank, which owns the sign. In each company (squadron, battery) there were so many characters leaves much of the lower ranks was listed in the parts list. All off the signs were stored in special boxes or lockers, the keys of which were at assistant company (squadron, battery).
The lower ranks, before leaving the territory of the part were on duty for the company (squadron, battery) which examined the form and whether they are neatly dressed and gave them severance severance marks or notes. Coming back, the lower ranks take their severance signs or severance of the note to the attendant, who noted in a special book arrival time dismissed and, if there was such a need, did the other grades.
Despite the fact that the form of discharge of the proposed sign is arbitrary, in Appendix 10 of the draft Statute was published two drawings of the sign. One octagonal and the second circular. Here is given samples of deciphering inscriptions. In further parts, mainly used in signs the proposed form, though, and dominated the round. However, individual commanders were given a flight of fancy and in the end, there are signs, sometimes resembling in its form and workmanship lapel badges and regimental insignia. By the way, often such outwardly beautiful leaves are signs worn by military personnel on his chest, along with the rest of the symbols.

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