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Russian Empire

Andreevsky boat flag of the destroyer "Restless"

Russian Empire
the beginning of the twentieth century.
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
Dating:the beginning of the twentieth century.
The original.

The Russian Empire, the beginning of the twentieth century. A very rare original Andreevsky acquired in the family of an officer REEF, served on a destroyer "Restless». The flag was removed during the presence of the ship in Bizerte and left as a memory. The size 61*100 see the safety is very good, minor damage on the perimeter. Over the past few years this is the first boat flag, met us in the open sale. Beautiful decoration! Guaranteed original.

background: "Restless» - destroyer type "Bold»built on "small shipbuilding program” and belonged to the number of destroyers of project type "Novik».
Enrolled in the list of ships of the black sea fleet on October 11, 1911. Laid on the stocks of the plant "Nawal» September 20, 1912, launched on October 19, 1913. In early June, 1914, after the completion of mooring trials, passed from Nikolaev to Sevastopol for the final completion and acceptance tests. on October 11, 1914 "Restless” was admitted to the composition of the 1st Mine division brigade of the black sea fleet.
The first release of the destroyer in combat patrol, together with the other ships of the 1st division, was held 22-25 October 1914. During the military campaign division has completed mine production in the area of the Bosphorus and fired from naval guns Zonguldak. Before the end of 1914 destroyer "Restless» made 7 trips to the coast of Turkey to shell the coast Coal district, destroying the Turkish coastal vessels and execute mine productions. 1915 "Restless» met in the sea.
In 1915 the ship completed 11 military campaigns to shell the coast of Turkey and the destruction of the Turkish courts. As a result of actions "Restless” was destroyed 90 sailing and steam ships. The ship had clashes with the Turkish light cruisers "Breslau», and "Hamada» ( "Gebana»). In the second half of 1915, as the entry into operation squadron of destroyers of the type "Happy»intensity of use of "Restless” and other destroyers type "Bold» slightly decreased.
During the campaign of 1916 "Restless» made 14 military campaigns to fire on the Turkish coast, mine productions, ensure hikes ships of the line and transportation of troops. It was sunk 70 Turkish sailing ships[1].
27 August 1916, returning together with the destroyer "Angry» with mine laying, "Restless» exploded on two mines in the area of the port of Constanta. The undermining of the mines occurred under the middle boiler Department, undermining the second mines under the Department left turbines, both offices, as well as adjacent areas were flooded, but the ship kept buoyancy and was towed trawler №  241 in Constanta, where there has been a temporary sealing holes, pumping water, partial unloading and dismantling weapons. Within 3-6 September "Restless” was towed rescue vessel "Chernomor» in Nikolaev on plant "Nawal» and 8 September was placed in the dock. Repair destroyers continued until June 1917. After its completion in combat operations, the ship did not leave.

16 December 1917 "Restless» became part of the red the black sea fleet. After the presentation of 25 April 1918 the Soviet government German command ultimatum to surrender the black sea fleet, April 29 "Restless» together with part of the ships departed from Sevastopol to Novorossiisk. After returning on June 19, 1918 in Sevastopol destroyer was captured by German troops. After the withdrawal of German troops from Sevastopol in December 1918, the ship went under control of the French command, received fleet number «R.1» and was carried by the French from the Black sea. In the period under French command destroyer suffered a navigation accident, which was bent left propeller shaft. In August 1919, the "Restless» in good condition and with weapons was returned to the black sea fleet of the Armed forces of Southern Russia (VSWR)

In February-March of 1920, he participated in battles near Novorossiysk and Tuapse. At the end of March "Restless» took part in the evacuation forces VSWR from Novorossiysk to Sevastopol. In April, he participated in battles in the North-Western Black sea area. In August-October 1920 operating in the area of the Kerch Strait and the sea of Azov, supporting troops SUR. on 15 September the ship was blown up by the Soviet minefield. Large damage to the ship is not received and the progress is not lost, so was still in force in the Azov sea.

14 November 1920 "Restless» together with the Russian squadron left the Crimea. After landing evacuated in Constantinople, at the end of December, 1920 the spacecraft moved in Bizerte (Tunisia). on October 29, 1924, after the recognition by France of the USSR, the ship was recognized by Soviet property on the "Restless” was launched Andreevsky flag, the crew left the ship. In the late 1920's was sold by Rudechalet.com broken stood in Bizerte until 1933, when the place was disassembled metal-private French company.


The safety is very good, slight damage on the perimeter.


"Restless" — destroyer type "Bold", built on "small shipbuilding program" and belonged to a squadron of destroyers like "Novik".
Enrolled in the list of ships of the black sea fleet on 11 October 1911. Laid on the stocks of the plant "Nawal" 20 September 1912, launched on 19 October 1913. In early June, 1914, after the completion of mooring trials, moved from Nikolaev in Sevastopol for the final outfitting and acceptance tests. October 11, 1914 "Restless" was accepted into the 1st division Mine brigade of the black sea fleet.
The first appearance of the destroyer in the military campaign, together with other ships of the 1st division, was held from 22 to 25 October 1914. During the military campaign the division had fulfilled mine production in the area of the Bosphorus and fired from naval guns Zonguldak. Before the end of 1914 the destroyer "Restless" made 7 trips to the shores of Turkey to bombard the coast Coal region, the destruction of Turkish coasting vessels, and run of mine productions. 1915 "Restless" met in the sea.
In 1915, the ship made 11 military campaigns to bombard the Turkish coast and the destruction of the Turkish ships. As a result of the action of "Restless" was destroyed 90 sailing and steam vessels. The ship had a collision with a Turkish light cruiser "Breslau" and "Hamada" ( "Not"). In the second half of 1915, as we enter the build destroyers type "Happy" intensity of use "Restless" and other destroyers of the type "Bold" declined slightly.
In the campaign of 1916 "Restless" made 14 military campaigns to bombard the Turkish coast, mine productions, ensuring campaigns battleships and transport troops. It was sunk 70 Turkish sailing vessels[1].
On August 27, 1916, returning together with the destroyer "Angry" with the mine laying, "Restless" was blown up on two mines near the port of Constanta. The undermining of the first mines occurred under average boiler-room, undermining the second mine under the left branch of the turbine, both offices, as well as the adjoining areas were flooded, but the ship retained the buoyancy and was towed by the minesweeper No. 241 to Constanta, where she was a temporary sealing of leaks, pumping water, partial unloading and dismantling of weapons. During 3-6 September, "Restless" was towed a rescue boat "Chernomor" on the Nikolaev plant "Nawal" and on 8 September was delivered to the dock. Repair the destroyer continued until June 1917. After its completion in combat operations, the ship did not leave.

16 December 1917 "Restless" entered the black sea red fleet. After submission of 25 April 1918 the Soviet government command the German ultimatum to surrender the black sea fleet, on April 29, "Restless" along with part of the ships left Sevastopol to Novorossiysk. After returning on June 19, 1918 in Sevastopol, the destroyer was captured by German troops. After the withdrawal of German troops from Sevastopol in December 1918, the ship came under the control of the French command, has received the hull number "R. 1" and was carried by the French from the Black sea. While under French command, the destroyer suffered a navigational accident, which was left bent propeller shaft. In August 1919, the "Restless" in good condition and with weapons was returned to the black sea fleet of the Armed forces of South Russia (VSYUR)

In February-March 1920 he participated in the battle of Novorossiysk and Tuapse. At the end of March "Restless" took part in evacuation of troops VSYUR from Novorossiysk to Sevastopol. In April he participated in battles in the North-Western Black sea area. In August-October 1920 was operating in the area of the Kerch Strait and sea of Azov, supporting the troops VSYUR. On 15 September the ship was blown up by a Soviet minefield. Much damage the ship has not received and travel is not lost, which has continued to operate in the sea of Azov.

November 14, 1920 "Restless" together with the Russian squadron left the Crimea. Evacuated after landing in Constantinople, at the end of December 1920 the ship was transferred to Bizerta (Tunisia). On October 29, 1924, after the recognition by France of the USSR, the ship was declared the property of Soviet, the "Restless" was launched Andrew's flag, the crew left the ship. In the late 1920-ies was sold for scrapping Remetalling, stood in Bizerte until 1933, when the site was disassembled for scrap metal private French company.

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