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ButtonsRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Button of the lower rank of the RIA artillery of the 1904 model

Russian Empire
the beginning of the twentieth century.
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
Dating:the beginning of the twentieth century.
The original.

The original button is in very good collector's condition. Brass, stamping. The diameter is 21 mm. Guarantee of authenticity.


First of all, it is necessary to clarify that in the Russian army during the period under review there were many units that somehow participated in the use or maintenance of artillery means of warfare. The basis of army artillery structures was field artillery, which was divided into foot and horse. The fundamental difference here was the method of movement of artillery crews. In the horse artillery, each gunner had a riding horse, in the walking - the soldiers walked on foot, next to their cannon. In addition, in the structure of the army artillery there were: Cossack, mountain and horse-mountain, siege, artillery parks, artillery depots, reserve art units, local art teams, factories, arsenals and so on. Buttons with the image appeared on the uniforms of the gunners at the same time as most other parts of the army. It is obvious that samples of French army buttons were used in the development of drawings for artillery buttons. The same crossed gun barrels, differing only in small details of the drawing, grenadines about one fire, other details.

On December 26, 1829, buttons with several variants of convex images were installed on uniforms, coats and overcoats for all ranks of the foot artillery. In grenadier brigades - with two cross-shaped guns, a single-fire grenade at the top and the brigade number at the bottom. In the grenadier artillery companies of the separate Lithuanian corps, the same crossed guns, grenada and the letter "L" were minted on the buttons instead of the number. The pattern on the buttons of the Caucasian Artillery Brigade differed only in the letter "K". In the field artillery brigades on foot, crossed cannons and a number were depicted on the buttons, which meant the brigade number. Absolutely the same buttons with crossed guns and a number were simultaneously installed for horse artillery companies. In January 1831, the same buttons were introduced in the rocket company as in all field artillery, but with the letters "1.R." instead of the brigade number. In 1845, buttons with the same pattern (two crossed guns and a number) they appear among the ranks of the cavalry artillery batteries of the Caucasian Linear Cossack Army. In October 1854, in the newly established reserve mobile regimental artillery parks, the buttons of the lower ranks in Park No. 1 are stamped "R. No. 1", in the second park - "R. No. 2". The same image is installed in 1855 on the buttons of the 3rd and 4th parks (the text is taken from the website www.pugoviza.ru )

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