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Russian Empire

Plaque on bag arrow corps of forest Rangers

140 $
Russian Empire
1840s – 1850s.
The original.
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140 $
Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1840s – 1850s.
The original.

In the Russian Empire, the forest was considered one of the most important natural resources. For the preservation of state-owned forests and protect them from felling under Peter I was established a special forest guards from their beginning equipped retired "servitors" and had a paramilitary organization. In 1826 took place the radical reform of the forest part of the device, and in 1839 formed a Corps of Rangers, consisting in the supervision of the Forest Department of the Ministry of state property. In addition to the officers, the Corps consisted of the lower ranks – horse (Rangers) and Hiking (arrows). Those and others were actually equal to the lower ranks of the army. 14 Jun 1839-for lower ranks of the Corps of forest Rangers was introduced military-style uniforms with specific insignia. As headgear they were supposed naval shako, the front decorated with a badge "English tin" in the form of a pointed heraldic shield surmounted by the Imperial crown. The shield was mounted overhead brass letters "K. L.". Arrows were armed with the short cavalry rifles, which were primulales special hatchets, Rangers – sabres. To wear bullets arrows used black leather "patronize"; in addition, they were rated "attach" — a special bag with mesh for poultry, worn on the shoulder strap. In the table uniformed and americkim things 1839 no bag decorations not mentioned, however, the shape of the shield, the letters on it, the size (63 x 67 mm), performance (castings), and finally, the presence of typical ears with the mounting holes leaves no doubt that the plaque was intended for the bags. Under our assumption, it was introduced later than clothing of the Body, apparently in the 1840s, in any departmental normative act, remaining unpublished. Perhaps this is due to the re-gunmen fittings (rifled guns), which in 1839 was ordered to prepare a special decree of the Ministry of state property. Practice shows that at the time such procedures normally took two to three years. New firearms apparently have demanded the introduction of a new sample cartridge Sumy, wherein in the Case and decided to decorate the badge. Unclear just color of metal (yellow), as in 1839 for all ranks of the Body was set a silver metallic device. It is known that in the 1870s the uniforms of the Riflemen and Ranger varied color metal instrument (from the silver Ranger and gold in shooters). Perhaps the color of the metal has changed in the 1840s, however, no documentary evidence on this matter is still not detected. The details of the uniforms of the lower ranks of the civil departments of the Russia of Nicholas I in our days almost never occur; as for the badges on the bag arrow corps of forest Rangers, it is the only known instance.

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