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Regimental platesRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Mug of the officers ' cavalry regiment

Russian Empire
1870 (?) gg.
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1870 (?) gg.
The original.

Despite its relatively modest appearance, the plate belonged to the most influential of regiments of the Russian Imperial guard. Although the regiment was relatively young (in fact, it was formed under Paul I), in the unwritten hierarchy of the guards he was ranked at the very top, above the oldest infantry guards regiments, the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky, founded by the Emperor Peter I. In the guards is traditionally served as representatives of the most well-born Imperial aristocracy. The composition, with the subject, reproduces elements of the regimental standard. 1800 When formation and then for a long time the regiment had the standard special sample, which is not the flag nailed to the flagpole, and attached to a special cross member, podesavanja to a pole with silver chains. Instead of a typical finial standard was surmounted by a silver figure of the eagle, and the flag was a red moiré rectangle with braids, on which was depicted a white direct cross. All these knightly characters, underlining the special status of the regiment, appeared under its founder, Emperor Paul I, and kept the officers of the regiment. Standard an object regimental symbols, the pattern of which exactly corresponds to the image on the plate, not yet discovered. However, it should be borne in mind that a significant part of the old relics came into disrepair in the nineteenth century and therefore, their appearance was unknown even to the authors of the regimental history, published in the early twentieth century. This combination of three elements (a silver eagle with outstretched wings, red box white cross) leaves no doubt about the belonging of the subject. This is the first we have identified the subject of regimental ware horse guards with such symbols. The complete absence of the monogram of Empress Maria Feodorovna, consisting of the chief of the regiment on March 2, 1881, and until March of 1917, suggests that the subject made in the 1870s Plate issued Dulevo factory of M. S. Kuznetsov partnership, this type of stigma appeared, presumably, in 1864. Good condition, worn a green rim around the outer edge, minor wear Central part. The guarantee of authenticity.

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