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Russian Empire

Portrait of General P.K. of Rennenkampf, 1904

19 $
Russian Empire
The original.
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19 $
Country:Russian Empire
The original.

the Russian Empire, 1904. A portrait is a card that was probably placed in a cigar box. The size of 110 x 160 mm Good condition, tears and minor loss in the lower part. The flip side of the net. Guaranteed original.


Biographical note: Pavel Karlovich von Rennenkampf (. Paul von Rennenkampf; 29 April 1854, castle Pancol, revel - 1 April 1918, Taganrog, Russia) is a Russian General of the Baltic Germans., who commanded the 1st army in the East Prussian operation 1914 ended heaviest defeat of the Russian army.


the Son Estland nobleman of German origin Carl Gustav Rennenkampf (1813-1871) from the kind of Rennenkampf.


Graduated Gelsingforsskaya infantry cadet school in 1871. Began service in the 5th Ulan Lithuanian regiment. In 1881 he graduated from Nikolaevsky Academy of the General Staff first class. From November 24, 1882 on August 25, 1884 - the chief officer for orders at the headquarters of the 14th army corps. From September 25, 1886 was the order of the chief of staff of the Warsaw military district, on November 2, 1886 was for orders at the headquarters of the Kazan military district, from March 13, 1888 - senior aide to the military headquarters of the don Cossacks. From 31 October 1889 - field officer for special commissions at the headquarters of the 2nd army corps, from March 26, 1890 - chief of staff Sovetskoi fortress. Colonel (1890 a year). In April - October 1892 was at the 41st Dragoon Yamburg shelf. Since March 26, 1891, the chief of staff of the 14th cavalry division. From December 12, 1895, the commander of the 36th cavalry Okhtyrka regiment. From 25 November 1899 chief of staff of the troops of the Transbaikalian area.


In the rank of major-General participated in the suppression of the boxer rebellion in China in 1900-1901, for distinguished awarded the order of St. George, 4th and 3rd degrees.


In the Russo-Japanese war he commanded the Transbaikalian Cossack division. Has been criticized for actions in the North-Eastern part of Korea. Some historians write that after the battle of Mukden happened personal conflict between Rennenkampf and General Samsonov, and it came to exchange blows, other historians claim that no collisions between the generals could not happen. In 1905-1907 he commanded a detachment with which, following on the train, regained message Manchurian army with Western Siberia, interrupted by the revolutionary movement in Eastern Siberia ( "Chita Republic»), suppressing the revolutionary actions in the band railway. Resolute actions of Rennenkampf has regained its reputation in the government and he, being from December 6, 1910-General of cavalry, and since 1912, General-aide-de-camp, was appointed a commander of Vilnius military district.


In the initial period of the First world war Rennenkampf received the command of the 1st army of the North-Western front during the East Prussian operation. on August 17, his troops crossed the border of East Prussia, and after three days inflicted a heavy defeat 8 of the German army General M. von Plitvice in the battle of Gumbinnen. However, because of incorrect assessment of the actions of the enemy commander of the operation of General Zhylinski and inept leadership of the 2nd army commander, Samsonova, the victory at Gumbinnen not received their development. After the battle of Gumbinnen Rennenkampf took a slow onset of his army Koenigsberg, and not in connection with the 2nd army. This allowed German troops to withdraw from the blow and was one of the main reasons for the subsequent destruction of the 2nd army at the battle of Tannenberg (end of August). In September, the 1st army was rejected by the German troops from East Prussia.


During the Lodz operations because of errors and indecision com. The North-Western front gene. Ruzsky troops of the 1st army Rennenkampf failed to stop breaking out of the encirclement of the German strike group Scheffer. What caused the conflict between Rennenkampf and Ruza. Was dismissed from command of the army. Dismissed on 6 October 1915.


the investigation revealed the criminal actions of Rennenkampf at the beginning of the First world war, embezzlement and mismanagement, however, thanks to the support of the Emperor and his entourage he was not put on trial ( "hardness» in the course of inhibitions extremely impressed Nicholas II).


After the February revolution he was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul fortress. Revolutionaries reminded him 1905. Was under investigation Extraordinary Commission of inquiry.


Released after the October revolution and left for Taganrog. The capture of the city by the Bolsheviks had disappeared under the name of a Greek citizen Manousakis. Was discovered and received an offer to enter into service in Red Army. Rennenkampf refused, he was arrested, sentenced by the revolutionary Tribunal to be shot, and on the personal instructions Century A. Antonova-Ovseenko executed on the night of April 1, 1918 taken out of the city and shot near the Baltic railway line (2 km from the Russian-Baltic plant, evacuated from revel in Taganrog in 1916). Before his death, subjected to abuse and torture (including him put out his eyes).


is Buried in the old cemetery of Taganrog.


Pavel Karlovich von Rennenkampf (it. Paul von Rennenkampf; 29 April 1854, castle Pancol, revel — April 1, 1918, Taganrog, Russia) is a Russian General of Baltic Germans, who commanded the 1st army in the East Prussian operation of 1914, which ended in a severe defeat of the Russian army.

Son of the Estonian nobleman of German origin Karl Gustav Rennenkampf (1813-1871) kind of Rennenkampf.

Gelsingforsskay graduated from the infantry cadet school in 1871. Began service in the 5 th lancers Lithuanian regiment. In 1881 he graduated from the Nicholas Academy of the General Staff first class. From November 24, 1882 to August 25, 1884 — chief for officer assignments at the headquarters of 14th army corps. 25 September 1886 was the order of the chief of staff of the Warsaw military district, 2 November 1886 consisted of orders at the headquarters of the Kazan military district, from March 13, 1888 — senior adjutant of the military headquarters of the don Cossacks. 31 October 1889 — the staff officer for special assignments at the headquarters of the 2nd army corps, March 26, 1890 — chief of staff Sovetskoi fortress. Colonel (1890). In April — October 1892 was attached to the 41st regiment of Yamburg Dragoons. As of March 26, 1891, the chief of staff of the 14th cavalry division. From 12 December 1895, commander of the 36th Akhtyrsky regiment of Dragoons. November 25, 1899, chief of staff of the Transbaikal region.

With the rank of major General he participated in suppressing the boxer rebellion in China in 1900-1901 years, for military distinctions awarded the order of St. George 4th and 3rd degree.

In the Russo-Japanese war he commanded the Transbaikal Cossack division. Criticized for actions in the North-Eastern part of Korea. Some historians write that after the battle of Mukden had been a personal conflict between Rennenkampf and General Samsonov, and it came to exchanging blows, other historians argue that there were no clashes between the generals could not happen. In 1905-1907 he commanded a detachment, which, following the train, recovered the message of the Manchurian army with Western Siberia, aborted the revolutionary movement in Eastern Siberia (the "Chita Republic"), having suppressed the revolutionary actions in the railway. Decisive action Rennenkampf restored his reputation in the government and he, being from December 6, 1910, General of cavalry, and since 1912 the adjutant General, was appointed commander of the Vilna military district.

In the initial period of the First world war, Rennenkampf received the command of the 1st army of the northwestern front during the East Prussian operation. August 17, his troops crossed the border of East Prussia, and after three days inflicted a heavy defeat of the 8th German army of General M. von Plitvice in the battle of Gumbinnen. However, because of incorrect assessment of the enemy commander of the operation General Zhilinsky and inept leadership of the 2nd army commander, General Samsonov, the victory of the battle of gumbinnen has not received its development. After the battle of Gumbinnen, Rennenkampf took a slow onset of his army at Konigsberg, and not on connection with 2nd army. This allowed German troops to withdraw from the blow and was one of the main reasons for the subsequent defeat of the 2nd army at the battle of Tannenberg (end of August). In September, the 1st army was driven back by German troops from East Prussia.

During the Lodz operation due to errors and indecision ohms. The North-Western front-Gen. Ruzsky troops of the 1st army of Rennenkampf failed to stop breaking out from the encirclement of the German striking force is Schaeffer. What caused the conflict between Rennenkampf and Ruza. Was removed from command of the army. He was dismissed on 6 October 1915.

An investigation revealed criminal actions of Rennenkampf at the beginning of the First world war, embezzlement and abuse of office, but thanks to the support of the Emperor and his entourage he was not put on trial (his "hardness" during the inhibitions extremely impressed Nicholas II).

After the February revolution he was arrested and taken to the Peter and Paul fortress. Revolutionaries remembered it 1905. Was under investigation by the Extraordinary Commission of inquiry.

Released after the October revolution and went to Taganrog. The capture of the city by the Bolsheviks disappeared under the name of the Greek citizen Manousakis. Was discovered and received an offer to enlist in the Red Army. Rennenkampf refused, was arrested, sentenced by the revolutionary court to death and on the personal order of V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko executed in the night of 1 April, 1918 — taken out of the city and shot at the Baltic railway line (2 km from the Russian-Baltic shipyard, evacuated from revel in Taganrog in 1916). Before her death, subjected to mistreatment and torture (including that he was stabbed in the eye).

Buried in the old cemetery of Taganrog.

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