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Russian Empire

Portrait of General ABOUT-F.K. of Gripenberg, 1904

19 $
Russian Empire
The original.
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19 $
Country:Russian Empire
The original.

The Russian Empire, 1904. A portrait is a card that probably invested in a cigar box. The size of 110 x 160 mm Excellent condition. The flip side of the net. Guaranteed original.
Biography of Gripenberg, Oscar-Ferdinand Kazimirovich - Russian General (1838-1915).
Born in 1838 Member of the Crimean war and campaign for the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 In 1866-1868, captain, commander of the rifle company Orenburg line battalion, participated in the conquest of Bukhara, for the difference in the assault Ura-Tyube awarded 1 November 1866, the order of St. George, 4th century and produced in the majors. In 1869, the participation in the Turkestan campaigns was was awarded with a Golden sword with the inscription "For bravery».
In 1870 produced in colonels. In time of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 was in command of the life guards Moskovsky regiment and excelled in the protection of pravacol position and the reflection of the Turkish attack under the Arab-Konak (21-23 November 1877), that in February 1878 was produced in major General and enrolled in the Suite His Imperial Majesty, and April 7, 1878 awarded the order of St. George of the 3rd century the chief of the guards rifle brigade (1889-97). Gene-Lieutenant (1890). The head of the 1st guards pentahotel division (1897-98). With 1898 member of the Alexandrovsky Committee of the wounded. The commander of the 6th army corps (1900). The General from the infantry (manufactured January 1, 1901, with the seniority December 6, 1900 - delay of the production due to illness Nicholas II). The assistant commander of Vilnius IN (1901-02), commander of Vilnius IN (1902-04). In 1904, he was appointed commander of the 2nd Manchurian army. The failure of this army at Sandepu have made discord between Gripenberg and commander in chief of the General Kuropatkin, as a result of Grippenberg left the army. In 1905 appointed General inspector of the infantry, but  next the same year he left this post on tune health.
In response to published by the General Kuropatkin report "the Battle of Sandepu» Grippenberg wrote books "the wrong side of the operation coverage of the left flank of the location army CMOS  January 1905» (withstood 5 editions in 1908-1912, and "The answer Acting Grippenberg on the prosecution of the adjutant General Kuropatkin» (St. Petersburg, 1909), which proves that the culprit of failure under the Candau and then under the Mukden himself is Kuropatkin. Died on December 25, 1915 (General from the infantry General, adjutant General, member of the State Council), was buried in the Tsarskoye Selo fraternal cemetery.


Gripenberg, Oskar-Ferdinand Kazimirovich — Russian General (1838-1915).
Born in 1838, the Participant of the Crimean war and the campaign for the suppression of the Polish uprising In 1863-1864, 1866-1868, captain, commander of a rifle company of the Orenburg line battalion, he participated in the conquest of Bukhara, for the achievements in the assault of Ura-Tyube awarded on 1 November 1866 by the order of St. George 4th CL. and promoted to major. In 1869, for participation in the Turkestan campaigns and was awarded a Golden sword with inscription "For courage."
In 1870 was promoted to Colonel. During the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878, he commanded the life-guards Moscow regiment, and distinguished himself at the defence of pravacol positions and repelling of the Turkish attack near the Arab-Konak (21-23 November, 1877), and in February 1878 was promoted to major General and enlisted in the retinue of His Imperial Majesty, and April 7, 1878 received the order of St. George 3rd CL. Head guards infantry brigade (1889-97). Gene-Lieutenant (1890). The chief of the 1st guards division pentahotel (1897-98). Since 1898 member of the Alexander Committee ranenyh. The commander of the 6th army corps (1900). General of infantry (made January 1, 1901, with seniority from December 6, 1900 — the delay in production due to the illness of Nikolay II). Assistant commander IN the Vilna (1901-02), the commander IN Vilna (1902-04). In 1904 he was appointed commander of the 2nd Manchurian army. The failure of this army under Sandepu made a rift between Gripenberg and commander-in-chief General Kuropatkin, resulting in Grippenberg left the army. In 1905 he was appointed as General inspector of the infantry, but the following year resigned due to illness he was.
In response to the published General Kuropatkin report "the Battle of Sandepu" Grippenberg wrote the book "the other Side of the operation coverage of the left flank of the location of the army CMO in January 1905" (stand 5 publications in 1908-1912 years) and "the O. Grippenberg Answer to the accusations of the adjutant General kuropatkina" (St. Petersburg, 1909), which proves that the culprit of failure under Sandepu and then at Mukden Kuropatkin himself. He died on 25 December 1915 (General of infantry, adjutant General, member of the Council of State) and buried in Tsarskoye Selo fraternal cemetery.

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