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Russian Empire

Portrait of General N.P. of Linevich, 1904

19 $
Russian Empire
The original.
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19 $
Country:Russian Empire
The original.

The Russian Empire, 1904. A portrait is a card that probably invested in a cigar box. The size of 110 x 165 mm Good collection condition, small tears in the edges. The flip side of the net. Guaranteed original.
Biography: Linevich, Nikolai Petrovich — General from the infantry (1838 — 1908). Began his military service member. In 1900, standing in Chapter 1-St Siberian corps, in the trip to the Beijing commanded the Russian group. When in 1904, the war began with Japan, Linevich to the arrival on the theatre of war kuropatkina (15 March 1904) commanded the Manchurian army; then was the commander of the Amur military district. At the formation of new armies in October 1904, he was appointed commander of the 1st Manchurian army. When the fight  Mukden made it impossible to save kuropatkina in the post of commander-in-chief, Linevich (3 March 1905) was appointed on its place. No one large business with now to the war is not was. Linevich retained the position to which have been destroyed by the Russians after the defeat at Mukden, but not dared to move in the attack, insisting on the sending of such reinforcements, with that it was be in 1 ½ times stronger than the Japanese. When started rumors of the world, Linevich with Kuropatkina sent in Petersburg telegram, which said that victory is assured, the world was be terrible misfortune. After the conclusion of peace Linevich left in Manchuria, the head of the evacuation of troops, hindered strikes and riots. The reluctance of Linevich to resort especially steep measures against the strikers led to that was assigned to the investigation into the prosecution of Linevich in the inaction of the authorities, soon stopped. In February 1906 dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief.


Linevich, Nikolai Petrovich — General of Infantry (1838-1908). He began his military service as a private soldier. In 1900, standing at the head of the 1st Siberian corps, during a campaign to Beijing commanded a Russian detachment. When the war with Japan began in 1904, Linevich commanded the Manchurian army before arriving at Kuropatkin's theater of operations (March 15, 1904); then he was commander of the troops of the Amur Military District. During the formation of new armies in October 1904, he was appointed commander of the 1st Manchurian Army. When is the battle at Mukden made it impossible to keep Kuropatkin in the post of commander-in-chief, Linevich (March 3, 1905) was appointed in his place. There was not a single major case from that moment until the end of the war. Linevich retained the positions to which the Russians had been pushed back after the defeat at Mukden, but did not dare to go on the offensive, insisting on sending such reinforcements with which he would be 1 ½ times stronger than the Japanese. When rumors of peace began, Linevich, along with Kuropatkin, sent telegrams to St. Petersburg in which he said that victory was assured, peace would be a terrible misfortune. After the conclusion of peace, Linevich remained in Manchuria, in charge of the evacuation of troops, hampered by strikes and riots. Linevich's unwillingness to resort to particularly harsh measures against the strikers led to the fact that an investigation was appointed accusing Linevich of inaction by the authorities, which was soon terminated. In February 1906, he was dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief.

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