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Russian Empire

Portrait of General AV Kaulbars, 1904

19 $
Russian Empire
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19 $
Country:Russian Empire
The original.

The Russian Empire, 1904. A portrait is a card that probably invested in a cigar box. The size of 110 x 160 mm Good condition. The flip side of the net. Guaranteed original.
Biography: Nikolay Vasilyevich Kaulbars (1842St. Petersburg-1905, St. Petersburg) - Baron, the General from the infantry, military writer, member of the Imperial Russian geographical society
came from baronial kind of Swedish origin, the son of Lieutenant-General Vasily Romanovich of Kaulbars, was born June 3 1842  St. Petersburg, he received his education in Nicholas cavalry school, from the of which 16 June 1861 was issued a warrant officer in the life guards Gatchina regiment, with a in which 1863 participated in the suppression of the Polish rebellion and the case 9 August when the C. Olczanski awarded (in 1865) with the order of St. Anna 4-th degree with the inscription "For bravery. 
In 1867 Kaulbars graduated from Nikolaevsky Academy of the General staff and he fulfilled various orders of the position of oficera of the General staff, in 1875 produced in colonels. The it it was awarded the order of St. Stanislaus, 2nd degree (in 1871, Imperial crown this order was granted in 1873) and St. Anna of the 2nd degree (in 1876).
In 1877 appointed chief of staff of the 1st guards infantry division, which participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, in the battles of the Mountainous Dubnyak (the order of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree with swords and bow), Plevna, Etropole (the order of St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree with swords), Arab-Konak, Tatars-Basargina and Philippopolis. The go through the Balkans to Kaulbars received a Golden sword with the inscription "For bravery» (13 January 1879).
In 1878 Kaulbars was the Russian delegate to carrying out the demarcation line in time of the armistice between the Turkish and Montenegrin troops; in that was sent first Russian delegate in the international Commission for the conduct of the Montenegrin border, and then the Russian military agent at the Austrian occupation army in Bosnia; in 1879 Kaulbars was again sent the Russian delegate in the international Commission for the conduct of the Montenegrin border and the end of works in the Commission was December 15, 1879 appointed aide-de-camp to Its Imperial Majesty. In 1881 Kaulbars got a new purpose - military agent in Austria, in 1883 sent in Bulgaria for negotiations with the Prince Alexander I of Bulgarian and for the conclusion of a military Convention on the service of Russian officers in the Bulgarian Principality.
4 April 1885 produced in major General (with seniority from August 30, 1885), 1886 appointed in the disposal of the Commander of the guards and St. Petersburg military district. In September-November 1886 was in Bulgaria with a special diplomatic order (see Bulgarian crisis). In 1888 made hypsometric observations between lake Onega and the White sea, and in 1889 was representative of Russia at the international geographical Congress in Paris.
After returning from Paris Kaulbars was appointed chief of staff of the 6th army corps, in 1891 - chief of staff of the Finnish military district, in 1894 produced in Lieutenant General, in 1898 appointed a member of the Military scientific Committee of the General staff, and  convert it in the Committee's General staff - member of the latter. In 1905, Kaulbars was produced in the generals from the infantry and dismissed by disease resignation.
Kaulbars known and the cartographer; on the basis of the critical development of the literature relating to the subject, they delivery and the published maps: Australia in the scale of 1:6300000 - was published in 3 editions 1875, 1877 and 1894, and South America in the scale of 1:6300000 - in 1885, Africa and Arabia in the scale of 1:6300000 - in 1893 In these works, in addition to the enormity of labour, it should be noted new names of places on the Russian language that it was necessary, so  the the cards were first independent works of this kind on the Russian language. Another significant work of Kaulbars map of meteorological stations, arranged by the Imperial Russian geographical society. In addition Nowlas contributed to the organization of expeditions N.N Miklukho-Maklai on the Islands of Oceania.
Died on 20 November 1905  St. Petersburg, was buried at the cemetery of Novodevichy monastery.
Nikolay Vasilyevich Kaulbars was is married to the daughter of General from the infantry B. N. Zheltukhina Praskovia Vladimirovna. It brother, Alexander Vasilyevich Kaulbars, honors participated in the Turkestan campaigns and was a prominent figure in time of the Russo-Japanese war.


Nikolai Kaulbars (1842, St. Petersburg — 1905, St. Petersburg) — Baron, General of infantry, military writer, member of the Imperial Russian geographical society
Came from Baron's kind of Swedish origin, the son the General-the Lieutenant Vasily Romanovich of Kaulbars, born 3 June 1842 in St. Petersburg, and received his education in Nicholas cavalry school, from which 16 June 1861 was commissioned as an ensign in the life guards Gatchina regiment, which in 1863 g participated in the suppression of the Polish rebellion and for the cause on August 9 at C. Oleksinski awarded(in 1865) the order of St .. Anne's 4-th degree with the inscription "For bravery".
In 1867 Kaulbars graduated from the Nicholas Academy of the General staff and executed various assignments in the position of officera of the General staff in 1875 promoted to Colonel. During this time he was awarded the order of St .. Stanislaus 2 nd degree (in 1871, the Imperial crown to the order granted in 1873) and St. Anne 2 nd degree (in 1876).
In 1877 was appointed chief of staff of the 1st guards infantry division, which participated in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878, in the battles of the Mining Dubnyak (the order of St .. Vladimir 4-th degree with swords and bow), Plevna, town of Etropole (the order of St .. Vladimir 3rd degree with swords), Arab-Konak, Tatar-Bazardzhik and Philippopolis. For the crossing of the Balkans Kaulbars received a Golden sword with inscription "For courage" (13 January 1879).
In 1878, Kaulbars was the Russian delegate to conduct the demarcation line during the truce between the Turkish and Montenegrin troops; in the same year he was sent first Russian delegate in the international Commission for the conduct of the Montenegrin border, and then the Russian military agent in the Austrian army of occupation in Bosnia; in 1879 Kaulbars he was again sent Russian delegate in the international Commission for the conduct of the Montenegrin border and at the end of the proceedings in this Commission was December 15, 1879 appointed aide-de-camp to His Imperial Majesty. In 1881 Kaulbars has received a new assignment — a military agent in Austria, in 1883 shipped to Bulgaria for talks with Prince Alexander I Bulgarian and to conclude a military Convention on the service of Russian officers in the Bulgarian Principality.
April 4, 1885 promoted to major General (with seniority from 30 August 1885), in 1886 appointed at the disposal of the Commander of the guard troops and the St. Petersburg military district. In September-November of 1886 remained in Bulgaria with a special diplomatic assignment (see the Bulgarian crisis). In 1888 was made a hypsometric observations between lake Onega and the White sea, and in 1889 was representative of Russia at the international geographical Congress in Paris.
On his return from Paris Kaulbars was appointed chief of staff of the 6th army corps, in 1891 — chief of staff of the Finnish military district, in 1894 promoted to Lieutenant General in 1898 appointed a member of the Military Committee, General staff, and in its transformation to a Committee of the General staff — a member of the latter. In 1905 Kaulbars was promoted to General of infantry and fired through illness to resign.
Kaulbars known as cartographer; on the basis of critical development literature relating to this subject, delivered and published maps: Australia in a scale of 1:6300000 — was published in 3 editions 1875, 1877 and 1894, in South America at a scale of 1:6300000 — in 1885, Africa and Arabia at a scale of 1:6300000 — in 1893, In these studies, except of the vastness of the labor, it should be noted new names of geographical places in Russian that was necessary since these cards were the first independent works of this kind in the Russian language. Another significant work of Kaulbars map of meteorological stations, arranged by the Imperial Russian geographical society. In addition N. In.Kaulbars contributed to the organization of expeditions N. N. Maclay the Islands of Oceania.
Died November 20, 1905 in St. Petersburg, is buried in the cemetery of the Novodevichy convent.
Nikolai Kaulbars was married to a daughter of General of infantry V. P. Zheltukhina Praskovia Vladimirovna. His brother, Alexander of Kaulbars, with honors participated in the Turkestan campaigns and was a prominent figure during the Russo-Japanese war.

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