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Quartermaster cardRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Quartermaster card of the 1st guards infantry division of RIA

Russian Empire
1874 – 1881 gg
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1874 – 1881 gg
The original.

Control card – the everyday collective name color plates, published in the 1870s – 1880s as a quartermaster office and private publishers. Card is schematically portrayed uniforms, equipment and weapons of Russian troops. For the form was shown the features of its cut and color, which could accurately identifitsirovat particular part. Card 1880s quite utilitarian, but an earlier, the second half of the 1870s, represent a real work of art, in today's terminology – collage.

This card is dedicated to the regiments of the 1st guards infantry division, and imparted to her the Life guards 1st artillery brigade. All of these parts wear uniforms lutskanova cut with red lapels in the first three shelves, dark green in fourth (the Life guards Jaeger) and black from the gunners. The band red in the Preobrazhensky regiment, in the Semenov – light blue, Izmailovo and Jaeger dark green and black from the gunners. Also shown is a revolving cords, greatcoat tabs, coloring the officers ' saddlecloths and lap belts for the lower ranks. Weapons – infantry officers swords, artillery checkers, Berdan rifles and revolvers Smith Wesson. Gear – black canvas satchel. 1874 strapped to it with a bowler hat and greatcoat roll. White-yellow-true to the flag with the Roman numeral I – battalion badge, which is on the March and marked the place kvartirovaniya of the 1st battalion. For officers, the 1st, the so-called Petrine brigade (regiments Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky) shows the officers ' lapel signs, the former distinguishing feature of over half a century, from 1858 to 1909 Judging by the helmets of the Prussian type, in the table relate to the period 1874 – 1881, when such helmets were used for Guard ceremonial headdress. The card format 28х37 see a fine condition, guarantee of authenticity.

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