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Uniforms, headgearRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Sewing with the red of his uniform cavalry regiment

438 $
Russian Empire
1815 – 1855
The original.
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438 $
Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1815 – 1855
The original.

A unique addition to our store of direct relevance to the history of the most illustrious regiments of the Russian guard in the first half of the nineteenth century. Red his uniform the two guards cuirassier regiments (cavalry and Horse-Guards) with a trim of black velvet or blue cloth, worn outside the building in special occasions, first mentioned during the reign of Emperor Paul I. In 1802, the uniform (in common parlance also called "festive"), by the cut repeats of the marching white uniform, but made of red cloth with dark blue cloth collar and cuffs with gold embroidered buttonholes, was assigned to the officers of the Horse Guards. In the table uniformed and americkim things guards cuirassier regiments, his Majesty confirmed on 14 March 1804, for the officers of the cavalry regiment mentioned is the same red gala uniform, as the Horse Guards, but with some significant differences. Collar and cuffs the guards were not made of dark blue cloth, and black velvet, and cuffs instead of two straight vertical tabs off with four silver embroidered horizontal buttonholes "in the corners", one of which is sewn on the cuff and three on the cuff on the sleeve. On top of the tabs is attached to a smooth silver plated buttons. The corresponding form of the angle and had the top edge of the cuffs. Apparently, this was supposed to stress the honorable status of the horse guards, from the time of Paul I until 1917, the former on the importance of"guards regiment No. 1" and their special closeness to the person of the Emperor (buttonholes of the same pattern adorned his uniform by court officials and chambers of page). The same tabs sewn on red tails uniform. The red uniform was supposed dvupolnoj hat, moose and white pantaloons, white stockings and black shoes with buckles. Worn, this form is usually on the balls and all sorts of Palace celebrations.

In 1814 was modified by the cut of the uniform (single-breasted instead of double breasted), but not later than 16 December 1815 the guards the color of the collar and cuffs changed from black to dark blue. Until the General reforms of uniforms, undertaken by Alexander II, any reference to the abolition of red his uniform of this type was not detected. Knowing the conservatism of both brothers emperors (Alexander I and Nicholas I) in all matters relating to Palace life, and there is every reason to believe that red his uniform of the horse guards existed without any change until 1855

15 Mar 1855 for horse guards and Horse-Guards were introduced festive his uniform of a fundamentally new cut and a completely different finishing (plating special braid with longitudinal stripes), retaining from the past only the red color of the cloth. Thus, we can safely say that this piece is a fragment of the red uniform of the cavalry regiment and relates to the period 1815 – 1855 Item includes a dark-blue velvet cuff (preserved miniature fabric buttons to fasten the cuffs, which is typical for the uniforms of the 1810's- 1820-ies, which had an extremely tight sleeves) and a fragment of the actual sleeves are made from red (not red!) cloth of very high quality. Sewing is made of very thin and expensive silver GIMP and despite the venerable age of the object is well preserved with minimal loss. Judging by the stitch marks, a fragment of the original uniform was later used to finish any costume, however, this did not prevent him perfectly preserved without loss of color. Uniformed artifacts (even parts of uniforms) the beginning and the first half of the XIX century in our time are extremely rare, and of one subject from the main regiments of the Russian guard makes him a rarity in the full sense of the word. The guarantee of authenticity.

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