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Uniforms, headgearRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Russian breastplate of the sample of 1812, donated by Emperor Alexander I to the Prussian cuirassiers

Russian Empire
1812-1814 gg
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1812-1814 gg
The original.
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Unique rare find our store – Russian breastplate of the period of the Patriotic war of 1812 in almost perfect collectible condition. The history of the subject is. In early 1812 the Russian cuirassiers cuirass received a new sample: iron, painted with black oil paint, consisting of two halves – front and back. To fasten served as a waist belt red leather with buckle and shoulder straps-apolony covered with copper scales. Got off the breastplate twisted cord applied regimental colors. The characteristic data of the cuirasses are developed ribs on the chest and back. Lined cuirass canvas cotton lining, and for its time was a very serious protective equipment. In 1814 the Emperor Alexander I gave the Prussian guards cuirassier regiment Garde du Corps a few hundred cuirasses, known in German literature as a breastplate "Russian type". A characteristic feature of these cuirasses – the inventory of mark in the German language in combination with Russian (Cyrillic) scenes of craftsmen at the fittings. Used a similar cuirass until at least the 1840s, but to have survived in single copies. In Russia, they almost never occur. The guarantee of authenticity. Rare Museum quality.

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