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Uniforms, headgearRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Officers' hiking boots-hooks from the period of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78

938 $
Russian Empire
1870-th gg (?)
The original.
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938 $
Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1870-th gg (?)
The original.

Russian Russian troops of a Separate Caucasian Corps first appeared in boots of this type no later than the 1840s. They differed from the usual ones by high (10-15 cm above the knees) tops, slightly expanding upwards, allowing them to protect the wearer's clothes from prickly shrubs, which were huge in the Caucasus and in the mountains of Bulgaria during the years of the Russo-Turkish wars. They were sewn from soft leather of local manufacture, and were perfectly suitable for hiking on rocky soil and for wading through mountain streams. To prevent the tops from sliding down, they were tightened with a strap at the top. Over time, this style of shoes has penetrated into the central Russia, where boots began to be sewn from thick, very durable yuft leather. A characteristic feature of such boots is the presence of only one seam on them — the back. The union and the boot were one piece, which was pulled to the desired shape in wet form, on special metal pads. The shoe resembled a hook in shape, which is why such boots were usually called "hooks" in everyday life. With the skin of the upper and sole well impregnated with a waterproof composition, as well as with seams smeared with a special ointment, the "hooks" did not let water through. Since the end of the XIX century, the lower ranks of the fleet were supplied with "hooks". The same boots, but with high tops, like those of Caucasian boots, were popular with hunters of the second half of the XIX century — at that time it was the only type of shoe that allowed crossing shallow rivers without getting their feet wet. Hunting boots were often used by officers in field conditions.

Russian russians show examples of wearing such boots in the lot ribbon: in the first photo, a group of soldiers and officers during the Russo-Turkish War, in which General Radetsky, sitting in the center, is shod in exactly such boots; in the second, a lower rank of the Russian army, possibly a volunteer, who sewed custom-made shoes; in the third, a hunter officer at a halt.

This item is undoubtedly made to order, as evidenced by the stamp in the form of the initials of the owner "LSK" in the upper part of the boot, as well as the thoroughness and accuracy of tailoring. Due to its practicality, this pair of boots served the owner for many years and underwent later repairs, but nevertheless it has been preserved quite well and is suitable for restoration. The reinforcement of the front of the boot heads is completely original (this type of reinforcement was usually used in mountainous areas and was intended to protect the noses of boots from numerous stones, which, together with the presence of high tops, suggests that the officer served in the mountains, presumably during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-78), well the undercarriage, the sole on a wooden stud and partially the heels have been preserved (one of them is almost erased). A characteristic feature of custom—made officer boots are boot ears made of woven black and red, very durable braid (cheaper boots had single-color ears).

A very rare item in good collector's condition. Guarantee of authenticity.

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