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Uniforms, headgearRussian Empire
Russian Empire

The uniform of captain of the 10th Infantry regiment, 1908.

Russian Empire
The original.
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Country:Russian Empire
The original.

After the Russo-Japanese war the war office has taken a number of measures to enhance the status of military personnel, including including the officer corps, and also raise the prestige of military service. One of them was the restoration of the in guards, and in beautiful army troops uniforms on the type of uniforms the reign of Emperor Alexander II, instead of practical, but ugly uniforms in «Russian style" existed the army more than a quarter century. New uniform for army infantry, artillery and minesweeper installed December 1, 1907 by the order on defense Ministry № 613. He was double breasted on 6 buttons, with rounded collar and straight cuffs, and made of dark green cloth officers and black for the lower ranks. On the sides, collar, cuffs and rear pocket flaps to the coat off with edging applied color, for the differences regiments served collar (with color coded valves or without any) shoulder straps. A distinctive feature of the uniforms of the infantry still with 1850-ies has been applied raspberry color shoulder straps and edgings, after 1917 passed «by inheritance" to small regiments of the red Army and existed shooting, later in motorized rifle troops up to 1969. The difference between the officer's uniform, the thin cloth, were gilded buttons, a counter-pogonici on shoulders for fastening epaulette, and gold buttonhole on the collar and the cuffs. Feature of this uniform is that on it has survived buttonholes from the particular Golden lace pattern called lavalier assigned to the officers in charge of most army units still in the 1870-ies and in 1908 replaced with smooth buttonholes, embroidered with gold thread. Thus, this uniform was made in very short time December 1907 (the introduction of the new uniforms) and in during 1908, when I braid buttonholes officers were replaced by embroidered. This feature makes the subject truly unique; officer's uniforms of the 1907 sample of the initial sample, with braided buttonholes, as far as we know, is quite not private or Museum collection, but even the most detailed collection of the Museum of military uniforms of Russian, Soviet and foreign armies of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. The answer to this you need to look that the owner of the uniform was fired service 1908 or the beginning of 1909; so for not make sense to spend money on the replacement of the collar with braided buttonholes expensive sewing. The vast majority of officers of the old army moved to the service above the position of company commander and was graduated from the service in the captain (with the production at the retired Lieutenant Colonel) or captain (in the captains). This is especially concerned senior officers often do not having specialized education, and tighten 1907-1909. requirements officer corps (in to its maximum age) were forced to leave the service. Confirmation of this version is that the uniform is clearly used (as seen in particular, some darkening lapel and running galunov), although beautifully preserved. The officers of the infantry relied epaulettes of gold lace with crimson gleams and edgings; four silver (color, return metal device) asterisks denote rank captain embroidered with gold thread encryption 19 – belonging to the 19th infantry regiment, part the composition of the 5th infantry brigade, until the First world war, lived in suwałki (now Poland). Use for edging the lining is applied cloth cheaper raised cotton fabric is characteristic of the officer shoulder straps, released in 1900s – 1910s; it was one of ways to reduce the cost of expensive officer's armor. The coat equipped with the original officer's wool silver threads, opryadennom on silk ground, with black and orange louvres. This combination of (uniform shoulder straps instead of epaulettes and with an officer's scarf) worn in the so called standard form for building; such a form could be worn, for example, the chief of the guard, the duty of shelf or appointed to ceremony of the new banner pribivki (in the Higher the presence). The safety of his uniform, almost perfect, with the exception of very minor damage from the moth crimson edgings on back pocket flaps. Unique acquisition in the collection real fans!


An extremely rare uniform is in beautiful collectible condition.

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