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Uniforms, headgearRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Uniform cameras-page, 1904-1917 gg

Russian Empire
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Country:Russian Empire
The original.

the Russian Empire, 1904-17, His page Majesty was the most preferred military educational institution in pre-revolutionary Russia, where the children were taught many titled nobles and the highest dignitaries. In difference other military schools, housing combined in your common classes (giving General secondary education), similar to the cadet corps, and special classes, corresponding to the rate of military schools; graduates of the corps was granted the right to the assignment of officer rank.


All students from the corps of pages in the period of training was considered attached to the Imperial court and systematically was patrolling. In addition, best of the best pupils of the senior special class which have shown particular success in the study, different exemplary behavior and education who knew several foreign languages, received the title of cameras-page, alagasia them additional responsibilities on the objection to the court service. In different times of the cameras-the pages were, for example, «red General» A. A. Ignatiev and the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Earl C. N. Lamsdorf. The latter with proudly recalled how , November 24, 1861, the Emperor Alexander II on the Palace stairway asked him not of Lamsdorff if he opsnav external similarity with the ancestors.


Thus, the service chambers-pages proceeded literally to the eyes of the first persons Empire was very responsible, but it was a good school for the future of high-ranking military and diplomats. Cameras-pages served when the Empress and the great princesses in time, balls, gala dinners, official ceremonies and other events where their presence was required at the Protocol. A number of them varied based on the number of royalty. In the last reign at the Emperor had only one camera-page, with each of the Empress (the widow and the current) — two with each the Grand duchesses —  one. It one was administered spare on the sickness of one of the above cameras-pages. For example, , 1896, when there were nine Grand duchesses and two the Empress, carried honorable court service 14 cameras-pages 1 extra); thus, the number of cameras-page uniforms was in 1896 15 pieces all the Empire.


To serve court service cameras-pages relied special outfit, consisting of black lacquered leather helmets with the Sultan of white hair, dark green cloth uniform with a red trim, white elk panties and lacquer bufort, weapons served cameras-page sword. This form has existed without any changes of more than half a century and its completely touched «folk» reforms of Alexander III. Uniform cameras-pages was unique among other military uniforms and was distinguished by pointing to the collar, chest, cuffs and the floor in the back of the gold braid special design, it is called page corkscrew. Buttons on the uniform were gilded with the double-headed eagle, as the officers of the Guard. On bags floors of the lace put buttonholes in the form of chevrons, collar lined scarlet cloth, all other uniform — white silk. On the shoulders were fixed scarlet cloth shoulder straps, lined all parties to the same «page-thumb". The uniform is a nice collectible condition, despite prolonged use in the film industry, where, apparently, and were sewn «for symmetry» smooth buttons on the starboard side, which initially this uniform to be not be. Cameras-page uniforms today are rarities in the full sense of the word. Guarantee of authenticity.


The coat is in excellent collectible condition, despite the continued use in the film industry, where, apparently, and were stitched "for symmetry with" smooth buttons on the starboard side, which initially on that uniform should not be.


Page of His Majesty's corps was most privileged military educational institution of pre-revolutionary Russia, where children were taught many titled nobles and the highest dignitaries. Unlike other military schools, the building combines General classes (providing General secondary education), a similar cadet corps, and special classes, to correspond with the course of military schools; graduates of the corps was entitled to the assignment of an officer rank.

All students from the corps of pages during the training period was considered attached to the Imperial court and was systematically patrolling. In addition, the best of the best pupils of the senior special class who have shown excellence in their studies, which contrasted with the exemplary behavior and upbringing and knew several foreign languages, was awarded the title of chambers-page, and impose on them additional responsibilities to perform duties within the court service. At different times of the cameras-the pages were, for example, "red General" A. A. Ignatiev and the Minister of foreign Affairs count V. N. Lamsdorf. Last later proudly recalled how, on 24 November 1861 the Emperor Alexander II on the Palace stairs asked him, not if he Lamsdorff by identifying external similarities with the ancestors.

Therefore, the service chamber pages flowed literally in front of the first persons of the Empire and was very responsible, but it was a good school for future high-ranking military and diplomats. The camera-the pages served under the Empress and Grand duchesses in the balls, gala dinners, official ceremonies and other events where their presence was required by Protocol. Their number varied depending on the amount of royalty. In the last reign of the Emperor had only one of the cameras-page, with the Empress (Dowager and current) — two, and each of the Grand duchesses — one. Another was appointed substitute in case of illness of one of the above chamber pages. For example, in 1896, when there were nine Grand duchesses, and two of the Empress, carrying the honorable court service 14 chamber pages and 1 spare; thus, the number of cameras, the page school uniforms was in 1896, and 15 pieces on the entire Empire.

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