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Photos of soldiersRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Photo ranks 1006-go food (?) transport, 1915

163 $
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163 $

The term "transport" in Russia in the early twentieth century were called horse-drawn carts that are not in state military units, and constitute a separate organizational unit. They were intended for transport between near the rear of the operating troops and the nearest Railways station. There were three categories of transports: sanitary, commissary and food. The latter was most numerous and was carrying food, flour and cereals (cattle, slaughtered for meat, distilled in the rear of the troops of their own, in the form of herds). The personnel transports were recruited from military reserve or militia warriors who had those or other restrictions of fitness for military service for health or family status. At the command of appointed officers from either the stock partially fit for service or who received a limitation due to wounds at the front. Each transport had a veterinarian, as the number of horses in the composition has reached several hundred. As transports were never in the field of enemy gun-fire, serve them supplied with old, so-called second period, uniforms of peacetime black. It is interesting that in the photo there is tororosso clothing of several types, from infantry double-breasted uniforms to hussar form inclusive. On the back of the photo inscription: "To the memory of 1006 transport veterinarian Peter Afanasievich Dementieva. Ostrovec, March 1, 1915". Size 240*300 mm Guarantee of authenticity.

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