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Photos of soldiersRussian Empire
Russian Empire

Photo privates of the 54th Minsk infantry regiment in the family

131 $
Russian Empire
The Caucasus, in 1913 – 1915 gg
The original.
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131 $
Country:Russian Empire
Dating:The Caucasus, in 1913 – 1915 gg
The original.

Original large-format photos in good collectible condition. Size 280*340 mm. the photo shows the family of an Orthodox priest (the head of the family is sitting third from left in the front row and dressed in a robe on a warm lining and a round fur hat). These families in old Russia had many children. In the second row on the edges are either sons, or nephews. Left – the civil official's cap and a round badge on the crown and civil (eagle in a wreath) fittings on the sides. He was dressed in a coat arbitrary cut, and the upper garment uses a traditional burka. Far right – Junior non-commissioned officer of the 54th Minsk infantry of His Majesty the Tsar of the Bulgarian regiment. Overcoat old (until 1911) of the sample is fastened on a Board of six buttons (the overcoat arr. 1911 the number was reduced to five). Belonging to the regiment can be identified by the monograms in the form of stylized letters "f" under the Royal crown, which are clearly visible on the shoulder straps. The rank of non-commissioned officer's stripes represent two belleveu braid. Headpiece – any grey hat that resembles a soldier's gray hats. 1910, but made from faux fur and genuine Karakul. Hats with a badge and state coat of arms large size was introduced for all army infantry in March 1913 as a ceremonial headdress. However, since the new form immediately received, not all shelves, and also a fake fur did not look very presentable, Snowie soldiers at his own expense ordered random hats. The regiment was stationed in Chisinau; perhaps the photo was taken on the occasion of the arrival in the vacation. Wearing the monograms of the Bulgarian Tsar continued until October 1915, when Bulgaria entered the war on the side of the Central powers. Photo ranks "chief" regiments of the Russian army, in which you can see the monogram, are rare. The guarantee of authenticity.

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