| |
Marking: | 50026 |
Country: | Russian Empire |
Dating: | until 1907 |
The original. |
the Russian Empire, until 1907 Original extremely rare epaulette belonging personally to the chief of the 30th Dragoon (which 06.12.1907, was named the 10th hussars Ingermanland His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Saxon-Weimar regiment) regiment of the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Karl-Alexander or the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Wilhelm-Ernst, who were the patrons of this regiment in the period indicated. Perfect collectible status, the original collection. Unique rare. Guarantee of authenticity.
Historical background: Ingermanland 10th hussars
Holiday: 27.11
Precedence: 27.07.1704
In July 1704 in Moscow boyar Streshnev formed from Moscow and policemen minor nobility 10-commander Dragoon regiment, under the name of Ingermanland Dragoon
08.1704 year - on arrival to Narva named in honor of its first Colonel of the Governor of the Ingermanland province of Prince Alexander Menshikov, the Ingermanland Dragoon Alexander Menshikov regiment.
1705, the course Dragoon regiment Alexander Menshikov became known as the Ingermanland Dragoon Ingermanland the Governor and the Lieutenant-from-cavalry of Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov regiment, what to him was reformirovania eleventh company of grenadiers.
1709 - 11-I Roth separated from the shelf.
1763 - Ingrian Colonel of the regiment.
1796 - Dragoon count Kinson regiment.
1801 - Ingrian Dragoon regiment.
1826 - Ingrian hussar regiment.
25.03.1864, - the 10th hussars Ingermanland regiment.
18.08.1882, - 30th Dragoon Ingermanland regiment.
6.12.1907, - the 10th hussars Ingermanland His Royal Highness the Grand Duke Saxon-Weimar regiment.
1.08.1914, - the 10th hussars Ingermanland regiment.
in the Summer of 1918 several officers vyvezshim from Chuguev Petrovsky standard regiment, were United in a separate Reconnaissance Excedrin (commander - captain of the Tikhonravov) at the headquarters of the 1st Cavalry division of General Wrangel.
After a few fights, the squadron was deployed in the division, which on 30 October 1918 it was named Ingermanland hussar.
In November 1918, the division was transferred to Mariupol.
1 July 1919, the division was deployed in Ingermanland hussar regiment composed of four hussar squadron squadron Novgorod Dragoon and squadron Odessa Ulan. The regiment commander was appointed promoted to Colonel of the Tikhonravov.
In the fall of 1919 and the large loss of personnel of the regiment was again reduced in the division and included in the 1st Cavalry regiment, brigade gene. Babovich.
In December of 1919 the captain Yaniv formed in the Crimea separate Ingermanland division of the number of ingermanlanders, appeared on the Peninsula.
22 March 1920, a division of the brigade of Babovich departed from Novorossiysk in the Crimea on the steamer "Ayu-Dag.
In Crimea both divisions were merged and became three squads in the composition of the 5-th (then 1) regiment teams of Babovich.
1 November 1920 sailed with the remains of the Russian army from the Crimea in Gallipoli, where became a part of the 1st cavalry regiment, reduced from the 1st cavalry brigade.
Personnel of the division participated in the protection of the Yugoslav border and road works.
In April 1927, the division was dissolved.
1. regiment standard with the Alexander jubilee ribbon
2. George pipe.
30.05.1841-9.01.1901, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Karl-Alexander
18.12.1907-? , Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar William-Ernst
the Commanders
• 1704-1705 - Premier-major Ungar, Nikolay
• 1705-1710 Prime mayor Nincic, Ivan
• 1710-1712 Prime mayor (then the Colonel) of Dadut, Simon
• 1712-1713 - Colonel Meer, Ivan
• 1713-1726 - Colonel Sheremetiev, Vasily Petrovich
• 1726-1728 - Colonel Ivan Turgenev, Ivan
• 1728-1734 - Colonel Chebyshev, Peter V.
• 1734-1738 - Colonel von Welsbach, Karl
• 1738-1741 - Colonel darevski, Franz
• 1741-1755 - Colonel Kostyurin, Fedor Ivanovich
• 1755-1763 - Colonel Myrrh, Nikita
• 1763-1764 - Colonel Lachinov, Basil
• 1764-1767 - Colonel von Formalin, Egor
• 1767-1769 - Colonel Kruglikov, Venedikt
• 01.01.1770-1774 - Colonel Vladimir Norov, Dmitry
• 1774-1775 - Colonel Zhikharev, Stepan
• 1775-1778 - foreman Prince Meshchersky, Andrew
• 1778-1784 - Colonel Rosenberg, Fyodor
• 1785-1790 - Colonel Vasilchikov, Gregory
• 1790-1793 - Colonel, count Tolstoy, Dmitry
• 1793-1797 - Colonel Bardakov, Peter G.
• 18.03.1798-15.04.1799 - Colonel Warriors Alexander Ivanovich
• 21.05.1799-04.06.1800 mayor (with 21.10.1799 Colonel) von Viken, Henry Ivanovich
• 26.07.1800-21.05.1803 - Colonel Earl of Kinana, Victor Osipovich
• 07.08.1803-27.07.1804 - Colonel von Viken, Henry Ivanovich
• 27.07.1804-07.05.1807 - Colonel Kologrivov, Ivan Semenovich
• 1808-1811 - Colonel Shatilov, Matvey Y.
• 23.10.1811-06.12.1816 - polkovnichenko, Matthew V. 3
• 06.12.1816-16.03.1819 - Colonel Semaka, Savva Yakovlevich
• 16.03.1819-1825 - Colonel Grovel, Casper Ivanovich
• 1825-1829 - Colonel Held, Adolf Adamovich
• 1829-1830 - Colonel Kramer, Lev Fedorovich
• 1830-1843 - Colonel Vladislavovich, Grigory Vasilevich
• 1843-1851 - Colonel Weiss Carl hetu
• 1851-1852 - Colonel Kukolevsky, Iosif Mikhailovich
• 1852-1855 - Colonel Butovich, Andrey A.
• 1855-1857 - Colonel Deinlein, Mikhail Konstantinovich
• 1857 - Colonel Traveller
• 1857-1860 - Colonel Zviagin, Sergey Mitrofanovich
• 1860-1863 - Colonel Baron von Tornau, Fedor Fedorovich
• 1863-1871 - Colonel Angelfield, Boleslav Sergeevich
• 1871-1878 - Colonel zagrjazhsky, Ivan Aleksandrovich
• 1878-1884 - Colonel von offenberg, Alexander Fedorovich
• 23.03.1884-03.02.1892 - Colonel von Greenwald, Arthur-Otto-Moritz Aleksandrovich
• 12.03.1892-19.08.1896 - Colonel Sakalov, Evgeny Alexandrovich
• 1896-1902 - Colonel Verevkin, Mikhail Nikolaevich
• 1902-1903 - Colonel Gorlenko, Heliodorus Mikhailovich
• 1904 - Colonel Tolubeev, Vasily Nikanorovich
• 21.12.1906-13.05.1910 - Colonel Markov, Vladimir E.
• 27.05.1910-29.05.1913 - Colonel (with 14.04.1913 major-General) Maximov, Nikolai Nikolaevich
• 20.06.1913-23.07.1914 - Colonel Aseev, Mikhail Vasilievich
• 23.07.1914-28.05.1915 - Colonel Bogorodsky Alexander Alexandrovich
• 03.06.1915-11.06.1916 - Colonel Prihodkin, Shostakovich
• 04.05.1917-01.1918 - Colonel Babovic, Ivan Gavrilovich
• Colonel Palau
• Colonel Sinegub (Odessa Ulan)
Ingrian 10th hussars.
Holiday: 27.11
Seniority: 27.07.1704
In July 1704 in Moscow Streshnevs family of Russian nobles formed a boyar from Moscow and policemen noble minor 10-company regiment of Dragoons, called Ingermanland Dragoon
08.1704, on arrival in Narva named in honor of its first Colonel of the Governor of Ingermanland province of Prince Alexander Menshikov, Ingermanland Dragoon regiment of Prince Alexander Menshikov regiment.
1705 — Ingermanland Dragoon regiment of Prince Alexander Menshikov was called Ingermanland Ingermanland Dragoons and Governor General of cavalry Prince Alexander Menshikov regiment, at what to him was reformirovan eleventh company of grenadiers.
1709 — 11 company separated from the regiment.
1763 — the Ingermanlandsky carabineer regiment.
1796 — count Kinson Dragoon regiment.
1801 — Ingermanland Dragoon regiment.
1826 — Ingermanland hussar regiment.
25.03.1864 G. — 10th Ingermanland hussar regiment.
18.08.1882 G. — 30th Ingermanland Dragoon regiment.
6.12.1907 G. — 10th Ingermanland hussars of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar regiment.
1.08.1914 G. — 10th Ingermanland hussar regiment.
In the summer of 1918 some officers, special love Chuguev Petrovsky standard of the regiment, United in a separate Reconnaissance Excedrin (commander — captain Tikhonravov) at the headquarters of the 1st Cavalry division of General Wrangel.
After several battles the squadron was deployed to the division, which, on 30 October 1918 was given the name Ingermanland hussars.
In November 1918 the division was relocated to Mariupol.
On 1 July 1919 the division was deployed in Ingermanland hussar regiment, composed of four hussar squadrons, a squadron of Novgorod Dragoons and a squadron of Odessa Ulan. The commander of the regiment was appointed promoted to Colonel Tikhonravov.
In the fall of 1919 for heavy troop losses the regiment was again consolidated in the division and included in the 1st Cavalry regiment of brigade General. Barbalich.
In December 1919 the captain Yanovsky formed in Crimea Ingrian separate division from among the ingermanlanders stranded on the Peninsula.
22 March 1920 the division consisting of the brigades of Babovich departed from Novorossiysk to the Crimea on the ship "Ayu-Dag".
In Crimea both division were merged and placed three squads in the composition of the 5th (then 1st) regiment of the brigade of Babovich.
1 November 1920 sailed with the remnants of the Russian army from the Crimea to Gallipoli, where he joined the staff of the 1st cavalry regiment, consolidated from the 1st cavalry brigade.
The personnel of the division participated in the protection of the Yugoslav border and road works.
In April 1927 the division was dissolved.
1. the regimental standard with the Alexander jubilee ribbon
2. St. George's pipe.
30.05.1841-9.01.1901, Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Carl-Alexander
18.12.1907-? he was the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar Wilhelm-Ernst
• 1704-1705 Prime major Unger, Nicholas
• 1705-1710 Prime major Nincic, Ivan
• 1710-1712 Prime Minister major General (then Colonel) Debut, Simon
• 1712-1713 — Colonel Meer, Ivan
• 1713-1726 — Colonel Sheremet'ev, Vasily Petrovich
• 1726-1728 Colonel Turgenev, Ivan
• 1728-1734 — Colonel Chebyshev, Peter V.
• 1734-1738 — Colonel von Welsbach, Carl
• 1738-1741 — Colonel Darevsky, Franz
• 1741-1755 — Colonel Kostyurin, Fedor Ivanovich
• 1755-1763 — Colonel Myrrh, Nikita
• 1763-1764 — Colonel Lachinov, Basil
• 1764-1767 — Colonel von Formalen, Egor
• 1767-1769 — Colonel Kruglikov, Benedict
• 01.01.1770-1774 — Colonel Norov, Dmitry
• 1774-1775 — Colonel Zhikharev, Stepan
• 1775-1778 — Brigadier Prince Meshchersky, Andrew
• 1778-1784 Colonel Rosenberg, Fedor
• 1785-1790 — Colonel Vasilchikov, Gregory
• 1790-1793 — Colonel count Tolstoy, Dmitri
• 1793-1797 — Colonel Bardakov, Peter G.
• 18.03.1798-15.04.1799 — Colonel Voinov, Aleksandr Ivanovich
• 21.05.1799-04.06.1800 — major (21.10.1799 Lieutenant Colonel) von veeken, Henry I.
• 26.07.1800-21.05.1803 — Colonel the Earl of Kinson, Victor Osipovich
• 07.08.1803-27.07.1804 — Colonel von veeken, Henry I.
• 27.07.1804-07.05.1807 — Colonel Kologrivov, Ivan Semenovich
• 1808-1811 — Colonel Shatilov, Matvey Yakovlevich
• 23.10.1811-06.12.1816 — polkovnichenko, Matvey Vasilyevich 3rd
• 06.12.1816-16.03.1819 — Colonel Semeca, Savva Yakovlevich
• 16.03.1819-1825 — Colonel Grovel, Casper I.
• 1825-1829 — Colonel Held, Adolf Adamovich
• 1829-1830 Colonel Kramer, Leo F.
• 1830-1843 — Colonel Vladisavljevic, Gregory V.
• 1843-1851 — Colonel Weiss, Karl Bogdanovich
• 1851-1852 — Colonel Kukolevsky, Iosif Mikhailovich
• 1852-1855 — Colonel Butov, Andrey
• 1855-1857 — Colonel Deinlein, Michael K.
• 1857 — Colonel Traveller
• 1857-1860 — Colonel Zvyagin, Sergei Mitrofanovich
• 1860-1863 — Colonel Baron von Tornau, Fedor Fedorovich
• 1863-1871 — Colonel Angelfield, Boleslaw S.
• 1871-1878 — Colonel again, Ivan
• 1878-1884 — Colonel von Offenberg, Alexander F.
• 23.03.1884-03.02.1892 — Colonel von Greenwald, Arthur-Otto Moritz Aleksandrovich
• 12.03.1892-19.08.1896 — Colonel Segalov, Evgenii Aleksandrovich
• 1896-1902 — Colonel Verevkin, Michael
• 1902-1903 — Colonel Gorlenko, Heliodorus Mikhailovich
• 1904 — Colonel Tulubiev, Vasily Nikanorovich
• 21.12.1906-13.05.1910 — Colonel Markov, Vladimir E.
• 27.05.1910-29.05.1913 — Colonel (14.04.1913 major General) Maksimovsky Nikolay Nikolayevich
• 20.06.1913-23.07.1914 — Colonel Aseyev, Mikhail Vasilievich
• 23.07.1914-28.05.1915 — Colonel Alexander Bogorodskiy
• 03.06.1915-11.06.1916 — Colonel Prihodkin, Dmitry Dmitrievich
• 04.05.1917-01.1918 — Colonel Barbalic, Ivan Gavrilovich
• Colonel Palau
• Colonel Sinegub (Odessa Ulan)
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