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Books, documentsRussian Empire
Russian Empire

The book "A.T. Knyazev's Coat of Arms of 1785", 1912

2 488 $
Russian Empire
1912 year
The original.
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2 488 $
Country:Russian Empire
Dating:1912 year
The original.
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The original and extremely rare edition is in excellent condition. Hard leather binding, embossed with gold. The circulation is 400 copies. The format is 383*275 mm. The volume is 190 pages. The coat of arms of Anisim Titovich Knyazev is a unique monument of Russian heraldry and sphragistics. His manuscript was presented by the author to Empress Catherine II in 1785, then lost and found only at the end of the XIX century. Its discovery became a scientific sensation of its time. Herbovnik A. T.Knyazeva is a unique collection of original noble coats of arms that have not been officially edited, and so far the only published complex of 533 private seals of the XVIII century. His manuscript was published in 1912 by the outstanding Russian heraldist S.N.Troynitsky. It is intended for historians, art historians, museum and archival workers, heraldists, genealogists, as well as anyone interested in the symbolism and history of the Russian nobility. Guarantee of authenticity.

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