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Europe, Asia

Order of the Red Banner of Labor MPR No. 259, type 3

the second half of the 1940-x yy
The original.
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Dating:the second half of the 1940-x yy
The original.

An original and very beautiful sign in excellent collector's condition. Silver, gilding, enamel. 3 type of the order (coat of arms of the 1941 model). On the original twist. Size 55*55 mm. Weight 63.3 g. Guarantee of authenticity. 


Order of the Red Banner of Labor (Mong. Khodolmoriyn gavyaany ulaan tugiyn odon) is a state award of the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1926, by analogy with the Soviet Order of the Red Banner of Labor, an order was established in the Mongolian People's Republic, awarded for labor feats to citizens and organizations. Initially, the order was called "For Civil Merits" (Bichgiyn gavyaany odon), in 1940 the order became known as "For Merits in the economy" (Azh ahuin gavyaany odon), and finally in 1945 the order received its final name — the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. The Order has repeatedly changed its design in connection with the change of the name, as well as the state symbols: in 1940, 1945 and 1970.

The position of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was approved in section III of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Small Khural and the Council of Ministers of the MPR No. 26-27 of May 16, 1941. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the MPR is awarded to working Arats, workers, employees and other citizens who have achieved remarkable achievements in the development of animal husbandry, industry, culture, healthcare and other sectors of the national economy of their country through honest work. The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the MPR is awarded to individual industrial and administrative organizations and institutions that successfully implement the state plan and achieve remarkable success in the organization of labor, ensure the strengthening of the economic power of the MPR.

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