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Order of the Eagle Cross, Estonia

Estonia, 1928-1936 yy
The original.
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Dating:Estonia, 1928-1936 yy
The original.
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The original cross is in very good collectible condition. On the original tape. Silver, enamel, stamping. Quite a rare award, given the small number of awards. Guarantee of authenticity.


The Order of the Eagle Cross (est. Kotkaristi teenetemärk) is a state award of the Republic of Estonia. It was established in 1928 by the Estonian Defense Union in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Estonia's independence as a departmental award for merits in protecting and improving the country's defense capability. Since 1936 - the state award for military merit, military valor and merits in the field of state defense.

By 1925, the Estonian Defense Union (Kaitseliite) had the problem of rewarding its members for their voluntary and selfless service to the defense of the country. Since there were no state awards in Estonia after the "freezing" of the Cross of Freedom, the question of the desirability of creating their own insignia was raised at a meeting of the Central Administration of the Kitseliit on June 6, 1925. The Kaitseleit headquarters was asked to develop this proposal. At a meeting on January 21, 1926, the Central Administration adopted a resolution on the need to establish insignia, which was approved by the Council of Elders of the Kitseliyt on February 17, and in the Central Duma of the Kitseliyt on February 22, 1926. During 1927, the Kiteselite headquarters developed the statutes of two awards — the insignia for services to the country and the Kiteselite, called the Eagle Cross, and the badge for excellent service in the Kiteselite (which did not yet have a name). On January 13, 1928, at the Central Administration and on January 24 at the Council of Elders, these statutes were approved and sent to the Government of Estonia with a proposal to approve them for the upcoming anniversary — the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Estonia. On February 17, at a government meeting, the statute of the Eagle Cross was approved and put into effect, while the issue of the second sign was postponed.

The Eagle Cross established was intended to reward both Estonian citizens and foreigners for special services, both in wartime and peacetime, to Estonia or the Kitesellite in protecting Estonia's independence and improving its defense capability. The Eagle Cross consisted of five degrees, which were supposed to be awarded sequentially, starting with the youngest degree (5th), but an exception was made for the older three degrees - they were allowed to be awarded, bypassing the junior degrees. Foreigners were also allowed to present the Eagle Cross without following the sequence. No awards were made twice with the same degree, but at the same time, additional swords for military merit (or merit in conditions involving a risk to life) could be awarded to the awarded badges without swords. To resolve the issues of awarding, the Eagle Cross Council was established, consisting of members of the Presidium of the Council of Elders of the Kiteselite, the commander of the Kiteselite and one of the members of the Central Administration of the Kiteselite. The awards were held on the Independence Day of Estonia (February 24) and on the Day of the Kiteselite (June 26).

The first to be awarded the Eagle Cross was the commander of the company of the Vyruska squadron of the Kaitseliit August Tuvik, who was awarded the 5th degree with swords on June 14, 1928 for detaining an armed criminal during a shootout. The first official award ceremony was held on June 26, 1929, at which 149 citizens were awarded the Eagle Cross for their services in 1917-1920 during their service in Self-Defense (Omakaits), Kiteselite and for participation in the Liberation War. Crosses of the 1st degree with swords were awarded to General Johan Laidoner and Admiral Johan Pitka, 1st degree without swords - Konstantin Pyats and General Ernst Pydder (the latter was later additionally awarded swords)[4].

In total, until October 1936, the Council of the Eagle Cross approved 1869 awards. Of these, 998 Estonians and 811 foreigners without swords; 55 Estonians and 5 foreigners with swords. 8 Estonians and 2 foreigners (Marshals Mannerheim and Pilsudski) were awarded the 1st degree with swords.

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