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White Cross of the Union of Defense of the sample of 1929, Estonia

Estonia, 1929-1940 yy
The original.
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Dating:Estonia, 1929-1940 yy
The original.
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The original cross is in good collector's condition. On the original tape. Silver, enamel, stamping. Cracks on the reverse. Guarantee of authenticity.


In the Constitution of 1920, adopted by the Estonian Constituent Assembly, at the request of the left majority, Section 7 was included, prohibiting the awarding of Estonian citizens with external insignia in peacetime. Minister of Internal Affairs K. Eenpalu criticized this law back in 1920 and in subsequent years a number of articles appeared in the press for the establishment of badges of honor. It should be added that in 1920-1925, 28 border guards and policemen died in the line of duty. The absence of orders created inconveniences for Estonia in international relations as well. When on December 1, 1924, the voluntary organization – the Union of Protection (Kaitseliit) was restored, the issue of evaluating the work of the members of the Union with the help of external insignia arose on the agenda. For the first time, the Central Committee of the Defense Union discussed the introduction of its own orders on June 6, 1925 and instructed the General Staff of the Defense Union to conduct detailed preparation of this issue. After a comprehensive discussion, the supreme body of the Defense Union, the Central Committee, decided on February 29, 1926 to establish the Orders of the Defense Union. Throughout 1927, the General Staff of the Defense Union developed the statute and the appearance of the orders. On January 13, 1928, the Central Leadership of the Defense Union approved the statute of the Eagle Cross as a badge of honor and later the White Cross as an Order for diligence... The Statute of the White Cross was approved by the Government on June 19 , 1929 .
According to the statute, the White Cross was conceived for members of the Defense Union who "regularly conducted certain exercises and flawlessly fulfilled all the duties assigned to them." In addition to the functions of the Order for Diligence, the White Cross also performed the function of the Order for seniority. According to the statute, the White Cross was of three degrees, and the order of the 1st degree was issued for 25 years of service in the Union of Protection. And although the White Cross was awarded to both Estonian and foreign citizens for their diligence, the order, especially after the change in the statute of the Eagle Cross, became the Order of the Union of Protection as a whole.
The white Cross was an enameled Maltese cross with an oblong lower end, in the middle of the obverse of the cross was the armorial eagle of the Union of Defense, and behind it a vertically placed sword. On the round central shield of the reverse was the date of the foundation of the Union of Protection: 11.XI.1918. The cross was worn on the left side of the chest on a cornflower blue ribbon, the yellow-gold border of which was edged with white lines. In fact, only a White Cross of the III degree was issued. A diploma was attached to the Cross.
Initially, the White Cross was awarded by the Central Committee of the Union of Defense, and after the reform of 1936 – the Council of the Eagle Cross. The first White Crosses were awarded retroactively on August 30, 1929 for services in the Liberation War. In general, 6,000 people were awarded the Order of the White Cross, more than 90% of them were citizens of Estonia.

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