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Austrian medal for the defenders of Tyrol

1930- e yy
The original.
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Dating:1930- e yy
The original.

The original medal is in excellent collector's condition. The award sketch was designed by Dr. Gotthard Freiherr von An der LAN (17.06.1872-16.03.1934), who commanded a battalion of the Tyrolean militia during the First world war "Innsbruck I " (k.u.k. Standschützen Bataillon Innsbruck I), and in the post-war period was the head of the Tyrol Rifle society (Landesoberschützenmeister). The stamp of the medal was made by the Viennese medallist Josef Tautenhayn, Jr. (Josef Tautenhayn der Jüngere, 10.09.1868-08.02.1962). On the obverse of the medal is the coat of arms of Tyrol – a left-facing and crowned eagle with outstretched wings. Above the eagle's head is an open Laurel wreath from below. On the side of the obverse is framed by a circle of short dashes. In the center of the reverse is an inscription in seven horizontal lines, made in capital letters: "The land of Tyrol to the defenders of the Fatherland 1914-1918 "("Das Land Tirol den Verteidigern des Vaterlandes 1914-1918"). In the lower part of the reverse, the initials of the medallist are indicated in small print – two uppercase letters "TJ". The inscription is surrounded by a wide oak wreath, tied at the bottom with a ribbon crosswise. The reverse side is framed by a circle of dots. Diameter 34 mm. Tombac. On the original feed. Guarantee of authenticity.


The land commemorative medal of 1914-1918 was established by the Landtag of Tyrol on 07.02.1928, which adopted the corresponding Tyrolean land law (Tiroler Landesgesetz). Its provisions were published in the 28th issue of the Bulletin of laws and regulations of the land of Tyrol dated 23.06.1928 (Landes-Gesetz-und Verordnungsblatt für Tirol, IX. Stück, 23. Juni 1928, Nr. 28). In Germany, this award was also known as the” Commemorative medal for the defense of Tyrol in 1914-1918 " (Errinnerungsmedaille für die Landesverteidigung von Tirol 1914-1918).

The award was intended for all participants of the First world war who, as of 01.11.1918, were residents of Tyrol, as well as those who, in the period from 1915 to 1918, performed military service to protect this area. The establishment of the medal emphasized the continuity of the traditions of veterans of the great war with the defenders of their native land who fought in the wars of 1796-97, 1848, 1859 and 1866. The presentation of the Land commemorative medal of 1914-1918 was of a commercial nature. Thus, to receive the award, tyroleans had to pay a fee of 2 shillings, which was transferred for charitable purposes to the Land Fund for war victims (Landes-Kriegsopferfond).

Subsequently, the list of persons recognized as worthy of awarding the Land memorial medal of 1914-1918 was repeatedly expanded. So, in accordance with the decree of 28.05.1930, women who suffered from fighting during the First world war, served in infectious diseases hospitals and served on the Railways were included in these Categories. Three months later, on 28.08.1930, the award of the medal was extended to residents of the Western Austrian state of Vorarlberg, and on 21.11.1931 – to officers from the units of the “Imperial Chasseurs” (k.u.k. Kaiserjäger), the Tyrolean militia (K.u.k. Standschützen), as well as the Tyrolean and Vorarlberg mountain artillery regiment “Kaiser” No. 14 (Tiroler und vorarlberger gebiergsartillerie regiment “Kaiser” NR.14), who did not take part in the defense of Tyrol, being taken prisoner by the enemy. By decree of 27.02.1932, the medal could also be awarded to civilians who took part in the First world war and were holders of the Imperial insignia. The last change in the Statute of the award took place on 30.05.1935, when the corresponding Decree expanded the decision of 21.11.1931 and extended its provisions not only to officers, but also to all lower ranks who were quartered in the Tyrolean military district and fought on the Italian front in the bloody battles of Isonzo. In total, as of March 1940, when the award of the medal was discontinued, about 120,000 people became recipients of the award.

The recipient of the medal was awarded a certificate with a facsimile of the Head of the government of the state of Tyrol (Landeshauptmann). This position was held by Franz Stumpf (07.06.1921-28.02.1935) and Josef Schumacher (21.03.1935-12.03.1938), and after the Anschluss of Austria, Franz Hofer, who was landeshauptmann and Gauleiter of the NSDAP of Tyrol-Vorarlberg.

The main edition of the medals was minted at the main mint of Vienna (Hauptmünzamt Wien), and an additional edition was minted in Germany and the Sudetenland. The land memorial medal of 1914-1918 was worn on the left side of the tunic on a traditional triangular pad. The 40 mm wide ribbon of the medal in traditional Tyrolean colors was made of white silk with a Central wide red stripe and two thin green stripes along the edges. In some cases, veterans, in violation of the Statute of the award, attached to the ribbon of the medal an additional distinction in the form of two crossed gilded swords with their points up.

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